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ad2515 - SWEDEN - VINTAGE POSTCARD - Halmstad
ad3945 - BELGIAN COLONIES - VINTAGE POSTCARD - Indonesia, Weltevreden
Ac9215 - Ireland - Vintage Postcard - Dublin
ad3948 - BELGIAN COLONIES - VINTAGE POSTCARD - Indonesia, Weltevreden
Ad1628 - Turkey - Vintage Postcard
00792 - España Spain - Vintage Postcard POSTAL ANTIGUA : VALDEMOSA
Ad3913 - Belgian Colonies - Vintage Postcard - Indonesia Java
Ad1586 - Turkey - Vintage Postcard - Ethnic - 1907
ad1585 - TURKEY - VINTAGE POSTCARD - Salut de l'Orient
Ad2513 - Sweden - Vintage Postcard - Gaso
29435 VINTAGE POSTCARD: CZECH REPUBLIC - Prachatice Prachatitz
ac6377 - Ansichtskarten VINTAGE POSTCARD - MALTA - 1902, Church St. Johns
ac6369 - Ansichtskarten VINTAGE POSTCARD - MALTA - 1902, Fort S.Angelo
Ad1584 - Turkey - Poster Stamp
79625 - Bulgaria - Vintage Postcard - Sofia 1925
Ac9190 - Greece - Vintage Postcard - Athens
Ad1633 - Turkey - Vintage Postcard
Ac9193 - Greece - Vintage Postcard
06688 - Vintage Postcard - Scotland: Argyllshire - Rothesay
Ad1631 - Turkey - Vintage Postcard
Ad1537 - Turkey - Vintage Postcard - Galata
79607 - Bulgaria - Vintage Postcard - Varna Warna 1925
42526 - España - POSTAL ANTIGUA - SPAIN vintage postcard GALICIA - Vigo
79572 - BULGARIA - VINTAGE POSTCARD - SOFIA photografic 1928
ac9829 - TURKEY - VINTAGE POSTCARD - Constantinople - 1900
ac9198 - IRELAND - VINTAGE POSTCARD - Belfast, Albert Memorial
1687 - Vintage Postcard - Scottland - Stirlingshire - Stirling
42535 - España - POSTAL ANTIGUA - SPAIN vintage postcard GALICIA - Vigo: MUELLE
31300 - Vintage postcard SWITZERLAND : Hallau, Schaffhausen 1902 - GRUSS AUS
42531 - España - POSTAL ANTIGUA - SPAIN vintage postcard GALICIA - Vigo: 1906
11034 - Vintage Postcard- Istria: Croazia Croatia - Cirkvenica
06689 - Vintage Postcard - Chanel Islands - Jersey
79645 - Bulgaria - Vintage Postcard - Royalty
90619 - United Kingdom - Vintage Postcard - Folkenstone Kent
90608 - UNITED KINGDOM - Vintage POSTCARD: Edinburgh SCOTTLAND 1906
Ad3804 - Portugal - Vintage Postcard - Leiria
06664 - Vintage Postcard - Scotland: Ayrshire - AYR 1921
79461 - Belarus Беларусь - Vintage Postcard - Brest 1916
90647 - United Kingdom - Vintage Postcard - Leicester
15653 - Italy - Vintage Postcard - Royalty
ac9547 - DENMARK - VINTAGE POSTCARD - Aalborg - 1913
06666 - Vintage Postcard - Scotland: Glasgow
02412 ETHNIC vintage postcard: PORTUGAL - SERRA
ac9471 - MONACO - VINTAGE POSTCARD - La Turbie
ac9472 - MONACO - VINTAGE POSTCARD - La Turbie
ac9627 - DENMARK - VINTAGE POSTCARD - Kobenhavn (Copenhagen) - 1903
ac9624 - DENMARK - VINTAGE POSTCARD - Kobenhavn (Copenhagen) - 1912
Vintage Postcard Portugal - Amarante 1908
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