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RP: Tîrnova , Dondușeni District, Moldova, 1910s; "Svesta-Gora"
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RP; Bird´s Eye View of MAKARSKA, Croatia, 10-20s
Scene, UR5EP, Radio W1BFA, Ukraine, 1950-1970s
Valona (Vlorë ), Albania, 00-10s Piazza del Bazar
ss Kraljica Marija, Yugoslav Cruise Ship, "Srdecny Pozdrav Zcesty!", 1900-1910s
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RP; SPLIT , Croatia, 20-40s ; Dom Buvina 1214
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Casino , Zagreb , Yugoslavia , 1975
La Serbie , Pantheon de la Guerre 1910-20s
RP: ZAGREB , Croatia , 1937 ; Kazaliste
RP: Makarska , Croatia , 1957
Pozdrav iz Trogira, Croatia, 1890s-1905: Zborno-opatska crkva: Pridvorje s gl...
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RP; SPLIT , Croatia, 20-40s ; interior church
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RP; SPLIT , Croatia, 20-40s ; Babtisterium (Eskulaptempel)
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RP, Mestrovic : Mauzolej Racic, Cavtat, Croatia, 1920-1940s
Institat d.A.Schulschwestern d.N.D. Temesvar, Josefstadt, Romania, 00-10s
RP, Mestrovic: Mauzolej Racic, Cavtat, Croatria, 1920-1940s
Bucuresti , Romania , 00-10s ; Parcul Carol I
Croation National Wear : Bosnia, 50-60s
Interior, Bazilika, Šibenik- Sebenico, Croatia, 1900-1910s
RP KRALJEVICA, Croatia, 1920s Foto-kehler, Ljeciliste
RP, Republica Populara Romina, Vedere Generala, TIMISOARA, Romania, 1920-1940s
BUKAREST , Romania , 1900-10s ; Deutsches Soldatenheim I
FIUME (Now Rijeka) , Croatia , 00-10s Mercati
RP: Kotor , Montenegro , air view #2 , 1910-30s
Zagreb , Croatia , 1910s ; Hrv. Narodno Kazaliste, National Theater
RP; Switzerland, Arth-Rigi-Bahn Krabelwand - Blick auf den Zugersee - train,...
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RP, Republica Populara Romina, Teatrul Si Opera De Stat, TIMISOARA, Romania, ...
RP: Zagreb , Croatia , 20-30s ; Crkva Sv. Marka
RIJEKA, Croatia, PU-1983; Harbour, Ships, Bus, Classic Cars
RP, Une Vieille Maison, Levskygrad, Bulgaria, 1920-1940s
Bosina & Herzegovina , 00-10s ; Bosna-Quellen / Jzvor-Bosne
RIGA , Latvia , 1900-10s ; #3
RP, Les Diablerets (Vaud), Switzerland, 1920-1940s
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POSTOJNSKA JAMA, Slovenia, PU-1973; The Grottoes of Postojna
RP, Republica Populara Romina, People Bathing, Strandul Tineretului, TIMISOAR...
Waterfalls, Na Galovcu, Plitvička Jezera, Croatia, 1910-1920s
Kalmeti , Albania, 00-10s
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RP, Building, Partial Scene, Bulgaria, 1920-1940s
RP, Republica Populara Romina, B-Dul 30 Decembrie, TIMISOARA, Romania, 1920-1...
Winter Scene , ESTONIA , PU-1927 Artist Axel Rossman
Piebalga , Latvia, 30-40s ; Local Couple
RP: TALLINN. Lai tanav , Estonia , 20-30s
Riiklik Akadeemiline Ooperi-ja Balletiteater "Estonia", Tallinn, Estonia, 195...
Viru Tanav, Tallinn, Estonia, 1950-1970s
RP, Republica Populara Romina, Cladirile Politehnicii, TIMISOARA, Romania, 19...
RP, Republica Populara Romina, Muzeul Regional, TIMISOARA, Romania, 1920-1940s
RP: Sovata Bai, Romania , 1910-30s
Entrata Principale Della Basilica, Sebenico, Croatia, 1900-1910s
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