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RP: BUXTON, Derbyshire, England, 1910s ; Canadian Discharge Depot
RP:Panorama of village, Greece , 30-40s
Germersheim a. Rhein (Rhineland-Palatinate), Germany, 1910-1920s
RP ROMA, Italy, 00-10s Viduto del chistro
Fleet Leaving Harbour, Malta, 1900-10s
RP: Calver , Derbyshire , England , 00-10s ; River near Cliff College
RP, La Playa, TORREMOLINOS (Malaga), Spain, 1920-1940s
AVILA, Spain, 1900-1910s; Vista
Dining Room, Flughafen-Restaurant, Hamberg, Germany, 50-70s
Gruss Aus Koln (North Rhine-Westphalia), Germany, PU-1897
RP; ROME, Lazio, Italy; Terme di Caracalla, Sala Centrale, 1930s
PORTUGAL, St. Micheals Island, Ponta Delgada, Antonio Borges garden's grot, 0...
Burns Statue Square, AYR (Ayrshire), Scotland, UK, PU-1952
RP: Tîrnova , Dondușeni District, Moldova, 1910s; "Svesta-Gora"
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RP; MADRID, Spain, 1930s; Neptune Circus And Prado Promenade. Panoramic View
RP, Man Standing Infront Of The Whippingham Church, Isle Of Wight, England, U...
MALTA, 1900-1910´s; Interior Grand Harbour
Seefeld I. T. 1180m Mit Hocheder 2797m., SEEFELD (Tirol), Austria, PU-1958
Upper Barrakka Gardens . MALTA , 50-70s
Senglea Point . MALTA , 50-70s
Avenue De "Jose Antonio", Madrid, Spain, 1970-1980s
RP; Snow covered cabin among mountain peaks, Salzburg, Austria, 10-20s
VALETTA , Malta , 1932
Pushkin , Russia , 50-70s ; View of the big lake
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Wartburg, Eisenach (Thuringia), Germany, 1900-1910s
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Monte Carlo , 00-10s : Le Casino
RP; ARNHEN , Steenstraat , Netherlands, 20-30s
Marienberg Castle Above Bridge of Lions Across Main River, Wurzburg, Bavaria,...
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Grotte Rupe Tarpea, Luigifalciono, Roma (Lazio), Italy, 1900-1910s
Grottes De Mont-Fat, L'Escalier Du Trou Du Diable, Dinant (Namur), Belgium, 1...
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RP: Class picture Students & teachers, Omodos School , CYPRUS , 1950-60s 3/6
Abbaye, Eglise Et Ruines Du Chateau, Clervaux, Luxembourg, PU-1920
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VENEZIA, Bird´s Eye View, Piazzata, Veneto, Italy, 00-10s
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Avenida De Jose Antonio, Avenue De Jose Antonio, MADRID, Spain, 1940-1960s
Les Quais Et Le Saint-Eynard, Grenoble (Isere), France, 1900-1910s
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Un Saluto dal cielo di Venezia , Italy , 1925
Lighthouse, Beach & Battery, New Brighton, England, UK, 1910-1920s
MALTA , 00-10s : saluting Battery
WESTENDE , Belgium , 1930-40s : Digue de Mer / Zeedijk
RP: TELKIBANYA , Hungary , 50-60s : Hostel "Ezustfenyo"
Street Scene, Catharine Street, Oxfordshire, England, UK, 1900-1910s
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Renchtalerin , Freiburg (Breslau) , Germany now Wrocław , Poland, PU-1930
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Musta Dome, Malta, 00-10s
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RP; Killarney, Muckross Abbey, Kerry, Ireland, 00-10s
SEMMERING , Austria , 00-10s ; Sudbahnhotel
RP; SEGOVIA, Castilla y Leon, Spain; The Fortress, 00-10s
RP: Cotdoba , Spain, 20-40s; Arco del Portillo
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La Tour Maubergeon, Palais De Justice, Poitiers (Vienne), France, 1900-1910s
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