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RP; BUDAPEST, Hungary, PU-1923; Dr. Torday Otto
BUDAPEST , Hungary, 1890s; Exposition Millenaire, Entrance
RP: Budapest , Hungary , 40-50s ; Parliament
RP: Magyarorszag , Hungary , 00-10s ; Baresi leankak , kids
HARKANYFURDO , Hungary , 1969 ; Spa Swimming Pool
RP: VESZPREM , Hungary , 40-50s
RP: Gruss vom Plattensee (Lake Balaton) , Hungary , 50-60s
RP: Tata, Hungary, 1965; Training Camp
Shore of the Danube with the Living-Tower, Budapest, Hungary, 50´s-70´s
BUDAPEST , Hungary, 1900-1910s; Nemzeti Muzeum
RP: Endre Sagvari Tourist Hostel, Louis' Spring , Hungary , 40-50s
HUNGARY, 1900-1910's; Debrecen, Deri-Muzeum
BUDAPEST , Hungary , 00-10s ; Park
RP, 5-Views, Kiralyi Var, Orzaghaz, Latkep, Fooltar, Istvan Szobor, Budapest,...
RP: SOPRONY , Hungary , 40-50s ; Lenin Avenue
RP: BUDAPEST , Hungary , 40-60s ; Grand Hotel , Vestibul hall
RP: BUDAPEST , Hungary , 40-50s : Fisher´s Bastion
Kilatas A Varbol, Aussicht Von Der Burg, Vue General Prise Du Chateau Royal, ...
RP: BALATONFURED , Hungary , PU-1962 : Alley
Lanscape in the alps by artist O. v. KAMEKE , Hungary , PU-1910
Man Dying , Hungary Historical Postcard , 00-10s #5
RP: DOR , Hungary , 30-50s
BUDAPEST, Keleti palyaudvar, Bank, Hotel, Hungary, 10-20s
RP: Gruss vom Platonsee , Hungary , PU-1963 : Fisherman repairing nets
BUDAPEST, Hungary, 1890s; Theatres a Budapest
RP: BUDAPEST , Hungary , 40-50s ; Palatinus strand a Margitszigeten
Konigliche Burg, Budapest, Hungary, 1900-1910s
RP: Kepek Igalrol , Hungary , 40-50s
RP: BADACSONY , Hungary , 40-50s ; Hires bortermo videk
RP: Budapest , Hungary , 40-50s
RP: SOPRON , Hungary , 30-50s ; Hof des Storno Hauses
Boat, Lake, VISEGRAD, Hungary, 50-70's
MALEV Hungarian Airlines,1970s
RP: Balaton , Hungary , 40-60s ; Ship
RP: PECS , Hungary , 40-60s
BUDAPEST , Hungary , 10-30s ; Hotel St. Gellert Szallo
BUDAPEST, Hungary, 1900-1910s; Latkep A Lanczhidall, Panorama Mit Kettenbruck...
BUDAPEST, Hungary; Forum Hotel, 50-70s
RP Budapest , Hungary, 30-50s Fischerman's bastion
5-view postcard , Udvozlet Rahorol , Hungary , PU-1924 , RAHO
RP: PASZTO , Hungary , 20-30s
RP; 4-Views of HUNGARY, Udvozlet Hogyeszrol, 1930s
BUDAPEST, Hungary; Kilatas a Gellerthegyrol, Aussicht vom Gellerberge, 10-20s
Budapest , Hungary , 00-10s
RP, Rakoczi Var, Sarospatak, Hungary, 1920-1940s
RP, Fisherman's Bastion, Budapest, Hungary, 1920-1940s
RP: REZI , Hungary , 40-60s ; "Gyongyosi Inn"
BALATONFURED , Hungary , 1950-70s ; Round Church
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