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RP; Killarney, Muckross Abbey, Kerry, Ireland, 00-10s
Southern Hotel Kenmare Co. Kerry , Ireland , 00-10s
Cap of Dunloe , KILLARNEY, Ireland , 00-10s
Glengarriff , Ireland , 00-10s : Boat Landing at Grounds of Roche's Hotel
KILLARNEY, Kerry, Ireland, 1900-1910s; Mucross Abbey
Devil's Glen Waterfall , Co. Wicklow , Ireland , 00-10s
St Fin Barre's Cathedral , CORK , Ireland , PU-1905
Tinakilly Country Estate House & Restaurant , IRELAND , 1950-70s
Glengarrift falls(Grounds Roches Hotel,Ireland, 00-10s
Vale Of Avoca, or Ovoca, , county Wicklow, Ireland , PU-1905
Glengarriff , Co. Cork , Ireland , 00-10s ; Sugar Loaf Mt
Meeting of the Waters , KILLARNEY, Ireland, 1900-10s
The Dargle Rock , Co. Wicklow , Ireland , 00-10s
LOUTH , Lines , Co. Louth, Ireland, 1901-07 ; The Bridge Hubbard's Valley
DUBLIN, Ireland, 1900-1910s; St. Patrick's Cathedral
KILLARNEY, Kerry, Ireland, 1900-1910s; Muckross Abbey
IRELAND PU-1954 Irish Jaunting Car Quote from Eva Brennan
St Patrick's Cathedral [Interior], Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland , PU-1910
Brandy Island, GLENGARRIFF, Co. Cork , Ireland , 00-10s
TUCK 1158, Cooking by Fire, Illustrated Songs, Killarney, Ireland, 1900-10s
IRELAND , 00-10s ; Jaunting Car
TUCK 7029, On the Abonberg, County Wicklow, Ireland, 1906 PU
Lough Dan, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, 1910-1920s
The Rock Of Cashel Co. Tipperary, Ireland, 1950-1970s
TUCK 9745, Dinis, Killarney Lakes, Ireland, 1900-10s
Dinis Cottage , Killarney , Ireland , PU-1903
LOUTH , Lines , Co. Louth, Ireland, 1901-07 ; The Reservoir Hubbard's Valley
TUCK #994; KILLARNEY, Kerry, Ireland; Colleen Bown Rock, 00-10s
WICKLOW, Ireland, 1900-1910's; The Avonbeg
Blarney Castle, Cork, Ireland, 10-20s
The Rock Of Cashel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, 1950-1970s
TUCK 7029, Sheep, Vale of Avondale, County Wicklow, Ireland, 1900-10s
Irish Round Tower, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, 1950-1970s
CORK, Ireland, 1900-1910s; Blarney Castle
PORTRUSH, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland, 1900-1910's; Ramore Hill
DUBLIN, Ireland, 1900-1910s; The Bridge, St. Stephens Green
St Kevin´s Kitchen, Glendalough, Ireland, 1960 PU
Rostrevor, Northern Ireland, 1900-10s; Waterfront
Blarney Castle , Co. Cork , Ireland , 00-10s
KILLARNEY, Ireland, 1900-1910´s; Ross Castle
DUBLIN, Ireland, PU-1905; Killiney Hill
BAC Express Airlines Jet Airplane #2 , Dublin , Ireland , 80-90s
DUBLIN , Ireland , 1908 ; Christ Church Cathedral
DUBLIN, Ireland, 1900-1910s; Trinity College
TUCK #7283, KILARNEY, Kerry, Ireland; O´Suliivan´s Cascade, 00-10s
KILLARNEY, Kerry, Ireland, PU-1911; Muckross Abbey
Hills & Lakes of Ireland , PU-1950
WATERFORD , Ireland , 00-10s ; Quay & Reginald's Tower
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