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HomerBob Postcards
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Hello Greetings I took off today to write you a Line - Airplane Humor - pm 1942
Snowman for President Santa Claus Our Candy Date Greetings - DB
Greetings Absent of Present Old Friends are still Old Friends - DB
Children Playing Greetings - Eggs and Chickens - K. V. i. B. 12 - DB
I'm Thinking of You Often - Copyright E. Nash - G-40 - DB
Good Luck Greetings - Horseshoe - May Good Luck knock on your door - DB
Multiple Babies talking on Telephone B.K.W.I. - RPO 1908 Butte & Salt Lake City
Multiple Babies Greetings - Open Session - Babies on Chamber Pots - Behrendt DB
Merry Month of May Greetings - Sportive Lambkins Frisk and Play - DB - J.V.
Children Playing Greetings - A Musical Family - Girl, Dog, Boys - DB
Best Wishes Greetings - Flowers and Rural Scene - P. Sander - DB
Sending Postcard for want of Something Better General Greeting Card DPO 1909 DB
April Fools Day Greetings -Nobody Can Fool Me - a/s Bernhardt Wall - DB
Reminder of the Letter You Promised to Write - General Greeting - pm 1912 - DB
Dog Humor - Wish you could come along and join me (On Train) - Linen
Best Wishes Greetings - Glittered Flowers - DB
Happiness is Like Perfume - You can't give it away without getting on yourself
Multiple Babies Greetings - Good Morning - UDB
Romance Greetings Need You like a Pencil needs Lead pm 1913 DB Solomon Brothers
Romance Greetings - I'm Lonesome - Will You be My Doctor - pm 1914 - DB
St Patricks Day Greetings - Feeding Ducks by Old Mill - Erin My Country - DB
April Fools Day Greetings - Kick Me Please - a/s Bernhardt Wall - DB
Benjamin Bunny being Whipped - Beatrix Potter - Modern Print
Romance Greetings - Can check Baggage but not Love RPO NY&CHI 1911 - Samson Bros
Large Letter Mabel - Greetings - pm 1908 - DB
Toot Toot Greetings - Whistle on Whiskey Still - Humor - Linen
May Only Golden Days be Yours - Greetings DB
Stork Delivering Baby to Chimney - Greetings - pm 1909 - DB - P Sanders
Remember The Latch String is Out - F. A. Owen Greetings Card - Linen
President Washington and Mother - Washington Birthday - DB
Snowman Greetings - Snowman Custume with Broom and Pipe - UDB
Many Returns of the Day - Greetings - Farming Scene - DB
Romance Greetings 10 o'clock Time to go Home After Marriage Send Mom Home pm1910
The Orchard, the Meadow - Poem - F A Owen of Dansville - pm 1912 - DB
Romance Greetings - Here's to the Girl I Love - pm 1924 - WB
Daffydill Greetings If it rains will you be my Rainbow? Solomon Bros pm 1916 DB
Romance Greetings When I Feel Blue I Stop and Think of You - a/s Amy Bility - DB
(4 cards) Peace Card Greetings Peace Is the Way - Peace Cannot be Kept by Force
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