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HomerBob Postcards
Postcards of all sorts but mostly US Views. All listings feature front and back scans
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Hot Ice Follies Lily Langtry's Restaurant King of Prussia Pennsylvania Roadside
Riding the Surf - Surfboard - Waikiki HI, Hawaii
Birch Trees on Algonquin Shore - Saranac Lake, Adirondacks, New York WB
Best Wishes for Christmas Greetings Chimes Ring Out in Note Sublime pm 1923 - DB
Fire Boat and Station at The Battery NYC, New York City - pm 1910 - DB
What Outsiders Think of Vermont - Milk, Maple Sugar, Snow, Mountains - Humor
Sturgis Bike Rally visiting Mount Rushmore SD South Dakota Motorcycle - pm 1999
Picturesque Lighthouse at Owls Head near Rockland, Maine - pm 1959
Revere Beach MA, Massachusetts - The Pier by Moonlight - pm 1923 - DB
Pets Are Fun - Cats and Dogs - North Shore Animal League
American Airlines - Douglas DC-6 Flagship
Merry Christmas Greetings Every Berry of Holly Poem - pm 1918 Scottsville NY DB
Having a Wonderful Time Don't Worry about Us pm 1962 - Humor
Historical Museum and Wood Library - Canandaigua NY, New York
Aerial View of Cape Codder Hotel Resort - Falmouth MA, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Niagara Falls NY, New York - Terrapin Point from Goat Isle - pm 1933 - WB
Buffalo Bill & Native American Indian Chiefs circa 1890 Western USA Recent Print
San Jacinto Memorial Monument and Museum - Houston TX, Texas - Linen
Valentine Greetings Hearts and Garlands - pm 1916 - DB - Mailed in Rochester NY
The College Union Rhode Island State College Kingston RI Rhode Island - pm 1947
St Louis MO Missouri Forest Park and Jefferson Memorial from Pavilion pm 1919 DB
Chatham Bars Inn Resort Hotel - Chatham MA, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Water Tower at Griffing Park - Riverhead LI, Long Island, New York - HC - UDB
CPR Railway Bridge over Goat River Canyon Elko BC British Columbia Canada - UDB
Harbor Scene - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - pm 1906 - UDB
Utica NY, New York - U.S. Post Office - pm 1909 - DB
Nurses Home at Rochester, New York - pm 1911 - DB
Children with Snowman - Christmas Greetings - DB
Niles Pond at East Gloucester MA, Massachusetts - DB - Detroit Publishing
Lockport Union School - Lockport NY, New York - pm 1914 - DB
Rome, Italy - The Coliseum - Il Colosseo - pm 1969
Fairey Swordfish TSR II - Royal Naval Historic Flight
Pacific Ocean - Micronesia - Net Fishing - 1960s
Penn Yan NY, New York - Soldiers Monument in front of Court House - pm 1928 - WB
Trade Advertisement Richelieu Brand Coffee and Tea - Pretty Girl picking Flowers
Old Stone Lighthouse at Sodus Point on Great Sodus Bay NY, New York - DB
Highway through the Bad Lands - (South Dakota assumed) - pm 1940 - Linen
Main Building University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada - WB
Paddock at Finger Lakes Race Track, Farmington NY, New York near Canandaigua
Hello from Lake George MN Minnesota Black Bears Ugh Peanut Butter again pm 1982
(3 cards) Truk Lagoon, Chuuk, Micronesia - Pacific Ocean Sunset and Island Views
Valentine Greetings - You Love Me You Love Me Not - pm 1921 - DB
General Hospital and Nurses Home - Rochester, New York - pm 1919 - WB
Totem Pole of Thlinget Chief Kian - Ketchikan AK, Alaska - pm 1928 - WB
Birthday Greetings Happiness for Whole Year - Rural Home - pm 1918 - DB
Greetings From Winnipeg MB, Manitoba, Canada - CPR#1 Countess of Dufferin
Verbeck Hall at Military School Manlius NY New York near Syracuse - pm 1919 - DB
Silver Lake at Athol MA, Massachusetts - pm 1907 - DB
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