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Coral Beach Club BERMUDA 1952 Postcard
The Nassau Public Library NASSAU Bahamas Linen Postcard
Paradise Beach Barbados West Indies Postcard
Diving Snorkling Fishing with Hallan Rolle BAHAMAS Little Farmers Cay Postcard
Royal Botanic Gardens Hope KINGSTON Jamaica Postcard
SAINT LUCIA The Pitons & Soufriere 4x6 Postcard
Castleton Gardens JAMAICA 1905 Postcard
Metal Sculpture by Louisjuste - Loas HAITI 4x6 Postcard
Le Perchoir Mountain Restaurant interior Port-au-Prince HAITI Postcard
White Sand Beach JAMAICA W.I. 4x6 Postcard
St. Lucia West Indies The Gros & Petit Pitons Postcard
Bermuda's Oldest Church St. Peters at St. Georges Postcard
A Novel "Flower Garden" BERMUDA Postcard
King's House Home of Governor KINGSTON Jamaica Postcard
BERMUDA Castle Harbour Hotel - Golfing multiview 4x6 Postcard
On the Causeway going towards St. George's BERMUDA 1907 Postcard
Morro Castle Tourists HAVANA Cuba Linen Postcard
FREEPORT Bahamas Flamingo & Flowers Garden of the Groves 4x6 Postcard
Statue of the Republic National Capitol Building HAVANA Cuba Postcard
Princess Hotel aerial view - Pembroke Parish BERMUDA 4x6 Postcard
Greetings from JAMAICA - Kingston Harbour Postcard
Careenage - Bridgetown Barbados - West Indies Postcard
JAMAICA Native Village B.W.I. Postcard
BERMUDA Castle Harbour Hotel - Golfing 4x6 Postcard
GLASGOW Bridge & Jamaica Street - Scotland UK 1903 Postcard
Silk Cotton Tree NASSAU Bahamas Postcard
Pool KINGSTON Sheraton Hotel JAMAICA Postcard
Codrington College - BARBADOS Postcard
Looking North from Edgewater Hotel BATHSHEBA Barbados W.I. Postcard
Silk Cotton Tree NASSAU Bahamas Postcard
New Princess Hotel BERMUDA Postcard
RPPC Hotel Bermuda Fountain - Monterrey - MEXICO Postcard
BARBADOS illustrated Map Cartograph W.I. Postcard
NASSAU Bahamas from Hog Island Linen Postcard
Pool at the Carlton Beach Hotel SOUTHAMPTON Bermuda Postcard
King's House KINGSTON Jamaica Postcard
Walshingham Tom Moores House BERMUDA Postcard
The Lone Palm sunset BERMUDA Postcard
View from St. John's Church BARBADOS Postcard
Fruto Mercado St. Vincent CAPE VERDE Postcard
St. Lucia - West Indies Postcard
Beach at BATHSHEBA St. Joseph BARBADOS W.I. Postcard
West Indies Underwater Scene Trumpet Fish BARBADOS 1973 Postcard
Edgewater Hotel Pool BATHSHEBA BARBADOS W.I. Postcard
Marigot Bay St. Lucia 4x6 Postcard
Port Lucaya aerial view BAHAMAS 4x6 Postcard
Sunrise from Paradise Island Bridge NASSAU BAHAMAS 4x6 Postcard
BERMUDA Cathedral HAMILTON Postcard
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