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A137 Germany Stuttgart Old Castle Market vintage postcard
A118 Germany 1903 Gruss aus Heidelberg Artist Card signed C Pfaff postcard
L051 Germany 1910 Heidelberg Schloss Achteckiger Turm Altan vintage postcard
A144 Germany Karlsruhe i B Schwarzwaldhaus mit See Lake Boat vintage postcard
A088 Germany Karlsruhe Grossherzogl Schloss Gardens vintage postcard
L183 Germany Wertheim am Main View Castle vintage postcard
Germany Heidelberg von der Terrasse Poem 1909 vintage postcard
L304 Germany Konstanz a Bodensee Marktstaette Cars Shops Cafe Cyclists postcard
L160 Germany Gaishoelle-Sasbachwalden, Bad. Schwarzwald vintage postcard
L202 Germany 1938 Schoenau bei Heidelberg vintage postcard
L023 Germany 1931 Meersburg See Alpen Vom Edelstein Postauto vintage postcard
L346 Germany 1936 Heidelberg Blick ins Neckartal River vintage postcards
L159 Germany Schlosskirche Haigerloch inside the church vintage postcard
L304 Germany Lautenbach Hof bei Bad Teinach Forest vintage postcard
L159 Germany 1928 Gaistal bei Bad Herrenalb vintage postcard
L155 Germany Marschall 1919. Konstanz am Bodensee. Konziliumsgebaeude. postcard
L173 Germany Baiersbronn Small Village vintage postcard
L343 Germany 1936 Baden-Baden Casino Interior vintage postcard
Germany Heidelberg 1916 Brueckentor Gate WWI feldpost vintage postcard
L160 Germany Heidelberg Die Brunnenhalle am Soldatenban vintage postcard
A144 Germany Karlsruhe i B Hotel Germania Restaurant vintage postcard
L197 Germany 1912 Karlsruhe B Kaiser Wilhelm Monument vintage postcard
L213 Germany 1905 Karlsruhe Stadthalle vintage postcard
L052 Germany Gruss aus Heidelberg Panoramic View Bridge vintage postcard
L185 Germany 1911 Hohenstaufen Schutzhuette Hut vintage postcard
L188 Germany 1944 Ludwigsburg Schloss Monrepos Castle Boat vintage postcard
L216 Germany 1904 Sigmaringen Schloss Castle vintage postcard
Germany Heidelberg Castle vintage postcard
A209 Germany Hohen Tuebingen Castle Entrance Tower vintage postcard
L317 Germany 1927 Kurhaus Salon Louis XV Baden-Baden vintage postcard
L201 Germany Alpirsbach Schwarzbarg Kurpark Kirche RPPC vintage postcard
L345 Germany 1940 Feldpost WWII Wolfach vintage postcards
L305 Germany Konstanz Am Bodensee Steamboat vintage postcard
L212 Germany Meersburg a B Alteste Stadtmuehle Groesstem Rad vintage postcard
L322 Germany Heidelberg Grosse Fass Big Barrick wine vintage postcard
A170 Germany 1926 Heilbronn a N Wartberg Bridge vintage postcard
Germany 1916 Konstanz Schwanenteich Swans Lake WWI Feldpost vintage postcard
A138 Germany Stuttgart Altes Schloss Old Castle vintage postcard
L212 Germany 1928 Esslingen a Neckar altes Rathaus Rueckseite RPPC postcard
Legend Failure of Tailor from Ulm at Flying Boatmen Laughing vintage postcard
A170 Germany 1910 Heidelberg vd Hirschgasse, Castle Boats vintage postcard
L157 Germany Kloster Lorch in Wuerttemberg vintage postcard
L124 Germany 1927 Heidelberg Family in Front of House, sleigh ride postcard
L200 Germany 1914 Esslingen am Neckar Panoramic View vintage postcard
L303 Germany Schwarzwald Bauernhaus bei Triberg vintage postcard
L158 Germany 1932 Karlsruhe-Durlach Turmberg vintage postcard
L203 Germany Maille Esslingen am Neckar Canal vintage postcard
Germany Heidelberg 1907 Schlossbeleuchtung Castle at night boat vintage postcard
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