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L084 Bulgaria Varna 1918 Harbor Ships WWI vintage field postcard
L104 Bulgaria 1900 ethnic types Greetings from the Rhodopites vintage postcard
L147 Bulgaria 1922 Philippopoli Plovdiv Russian Monument vintage postcard
L041 Bulgaria 1916 Sofia Rue Targovska tram vintage postcard
Bulgaria 1926 Haskovo Horse Cart Ak-Bunar Street vintage postcard
L103 Bulgaria 1907 Svoge vintage postcard
L148 Bulgaria 1920 Gruss aus Loukovski monastery Batschkovo vintage postcard
L041 Bulgaria Sofia Royal Castle vintage postcard
L104 Bulgaria Ruse market sellers ethnic vintage postcard
Bulgaria 1927 Varna Rue Preslavska Street vintage postcard
Bulgaria Melnik nad Labem Steamboat RPPC vintage postcard
L084 Bulgaria Varna 1918 Harbor Ships WWI vintage field postcard
L147 Bulgaria 1922 Philippopoli Plovdiv Military Club vintage postcard
L103 Bulgaria Ruse Boys School 'Prince Boris' vintage postcard
Bulgaria Varna Reslavska Street Hotel Sofia Palace Shop vintage postcard
L103 Bulgaria Rila Monastery vintage postcard
L147 Bulgaria 1922 Philippopoli Plovdiv Hissar Capou vintage postcard
L104 Bulgaria Dupniza Tobacco 1997 artist postcard
L104 Bulgaria Sofia Military School vintage postcard
L104 Bulgaria Sofia Lozenitza vintage postcard
L103 Bulgaria Sofia Marie Louise street vintage postcard
Bulgaria 1938 Sofia Russian Church RPPC WWII field postcard
Bulgaria Varna Maedchenschule Girl School vintage postcard
L104 Bulgaria Rila Monastery interior view vintage postcard
L147 Bulgaria 1922 Philippopoli Plovdiv Place Prince Boris vintage postcard
L067 Bulgaria Rilski Monastery in the Rila Mountains field postcard
L104 Bulgaria Plevna Park Entry Leporello multi views postcard
L104 Bulgaria three sisters costume ethnic artist vintage postcard
L104 Bulgaria Sofia Military Club vintage postcard
L104 Bulgaria Dupniza Tobacco 1997 artist postcard
L148 Bulgaria Dermendere Plovdiv vintage postcard
L103 Bulgaria costume ethnic young Bulgarian girl artist postcard
Bulgaria Moonlight Black Sea at Night RPPC vintage postcard
L103 Bulgaria costume ethnic A Guy from Shumensko Mrkvichka artist postcard
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