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Germany Steyerberg i Hann Kreisschule School postcard
L199 Germany 1934 Schloss Mospelbrunn im Spessart vintage postcard
L346 Germany Schloss Eisenbach Gemaelde von K Lindegreen Castle postcards
L168 Germany Niederalteich Stiftskirche Sakristei Interior Church postcard
L304 Germany 1918 Feldpost WWI Schwarzwaldidylle House Sheeps Shepherd postcard
L015 Germany 1901 Frankfurt a M Litho Landscape Bridge vintage postcard
L089 Germany 1914 Elberfeld Stadthalle City Hall vintage postcard
L202 Germany Luftkurort Urach Guetersteiner Wasserfaelle Waterfall postcard
Germany Zahnrad Lokomotive Steam Locmotive DRG 97503 reproduction postcard
A128 Germany 1939 Heilstaette Roderbirken Maennenabteilung Castle postcard
A099 Germany 1912 Bad Salzschlirf Lindenstrasse Street vintage postcard
Germany 1915 Karlsbad Waldpartie bei Hansheilling Forest postcard
L204 Germany 1940 Luftkurort A pirsbach i Schwarzwald RPPC vintage postcard
Germany 1937 Ostseebad Rauschen Schlaengelweg Baltic Sea Road postcard
L108 Germany WWI Propaganda vintage postcard
L303 Germany Schwarzwaldhaus vintage postcard
L219 Germany Mondnacht in Reit i Winkl Snow RPPC vintage postcard
L124 Germany 1927 Thueringen Bergbahn Obstfelderschmiede Train mountain postcard
L017 Germany Im Zauberwald am Hintersee Waterfall RPPC vintage postcard
L311 Germany Riesengebirge Schneekoppe 1605 m Schlesierhaus Riesenbaude postcard
Germany 1926 Luck and Love Woman in Doorstep Flower Garland vintage postcard
L322 Germany Somerau auf Arber Bayr Wald vintage postcard
L284 Germany 1920 Children girls vintage postcard
L316 Germany Reit i Winkl in Winter RPPC vintage postcard
Germany 1925 Bad Flinsberg im Isergebirge View from Germaiabaude postcard
L345 Germany Salzhaus Haus Wanebach Goldener Schwan vintage postcard
L155 Germany Bad Cannstatt, Partie im Kurpark vintage postcard
L164 Germany Niederalteich Spaetromanisches Portal an Stiftskirche postcard
L186 Germany 1936 Ottobeuren Church Interior vintage postcard
Germany 1929 Weisswasser/O.L. Naturheibad Braunsteich Lake Boat vintage postcard
L345 Germany 1914 Schwarzwald House forest vintage postcard
L108 Germany WWI Propaganda vintage postcard
A217 Germany 1921 Wilhelmshoehe Waterfall vintage postcard
L018 Germany Air Fleet WWI battle in the sky aircraft vintage postcard
Germany Harzquerbahn Railway Steam Train Multi-view postcard
A104 Germany Benediktenwand Hadlung von Riesch Shop Bench vintage postcard
L026 Germany Erinnerung an die Kaiser Parade military litho postcard
A103 Germany 1911 Ehrenbreitstein a Rhein Fireworks at night vintage postcard
L351 Germany 1916 Winter Poem House Snow crescent Erica flowers embossedpostcard
Germany 1911 Marienthal Church vintage postcard
Germany Wallfahrtskapelle Chapel Maria Eich vintage postcard
L027 Germany WWII Luftwaffe Junkers-Ju 52 vintage postcard
L197 Germany 1935 Wildbad im Schwarzwald neue Trinkhalle postcard
L160 Germany 1929 Munich. Mariensaeule Maria vintage postcard
A215 Germany 1905 Schwarzwald Idyll Scenery Peasant Cart vintage postcard
Germany 1936 Garmisch mit Zugspitzmassiv vintage postcard
L303 Germany Schwarzwald Song Card House Pine Cones vintage postcard
L002 Germany 1895 military Napoleon Sedan battle Kaiser Wilhelm litho postcard
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