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L412 Romania 1920 young lady in national folk costume vintage postcard
L092 Romania Timisoara Temesvar tram vintage postcard
Romania Arad Bulevardul Regina Maria Boulevard vintage postcard
Romania 1927 Brasov General View vintage postcard
Romania 1927 Bucuresti Bucharest Piata Sf Gheorghe Str Lipscani Shops postcard
L314 Romania 1926 Arad Palatul Cultural vintage postcard
L412 Romania 1901 couple costume vintage postcard
L313 Romania 1905 Busteni general view vintage postcard
Romania 1927 Bucuresti Bucharest Societatea Astra Romana postcard.
L037 Romania Braila 1918 general view field vintage postcard
L313 Romania 1919 Bucharest Calea Victoriei Riegler shop vintage postcard
L314 Romania 1905 Ploiesti Bulevardul Independentei vintage postcard
L109 Romania Bucuresti Bucharest National Bank vintage postcard
L034 Romania Ploiesti Monumentul Vanatorilor vintage postcard
L412 Romania 1932 Cluj Napoca Kolozsvar Matthias Corvinus statue RPPC postcard
L034 Romania Targu-Jiu Bridge over Jiu River vintage postcard
L314 Romania 1954 Bucuresti Gradina Botanica vintage postcard
Romania Baile Calimanesti Marele Hotel al Societatii vintage postcard
Romania Frauendorf Axente Sever Frâua 1922 postcard
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Romania Biserica veche din Densus Hunedoara County Church RPPC vintage postcard
L314 Romania 1911 Baile Calimanesti Valea Oltului vintage postcard
L314 Romania 1921 Predeal vintage postcard
Romania 1927 Bucuresti Bucharest Societatea Functionarilor Publici postcard
L109 Romania 1939 Timisoara Temesvar real photo vintage postcard
Romania 1927 Arad Bulevardul Regina Maria Street Column Carriage postcard
Romania Craiova Piata Noua Palatul Justitiei Court Law Carts vintage postcard
L086 Romania Bucharest 1917 Food distribution center for soldiers field postcard
Romania Bucuresti Strada Regala Drogueria Grand Hotel Judaica Shop postcard
L092 Romania 1929 Constanta Ovidiu Statue Bank vintage postcard
L313 Romania 1901 Bucuresti CEC Bank vintage postcard
L412 Romania 1912 Casa la tara traditional house postcard
L412 Romania 1921 Timisoara art painting vintage postcard
L313 Romania 1921 Craiova Commerce Bank Palace vintage postcard
A181 Romania 1907 Temesvar Timisoara Girl School and Garden vintage postcard
Romania 1929 Braila Viktoria Strasse Busy Street Shops vintage postcard
L314 Romania 1909 Defileul Oltului la tunelul artificial vintage postcard
L092 Romania Bucharest Casa de depuneri CEC Bank vintage postcard
L313 Romania 1911 Constanta Hotel Carol vintage postcard
Romania 1927 Bucuresti Bucharest Bulevardul Carol Boulevard postcard
L109 Romania 1918 Braila harbor ships boats WWI vintage field postcard
Romania 1927 Bucharest Bucuresti Cercul militar postcard
Romania 1927 Brasov Brasso Kronstadt Turnul Negru Black Tower Church postcard
Romania 1927 Arad Liceu Lyceum Highschool vintage postcard
Romania 1928 Timisoara Biserica si Internatul Notre Dame de Sion Church postcard
L034 Romania Arad Erzsebet Bridge vintage postcard
L033 Romania Sinaia Peles Castle real photo vintage postcard
Romania 1927 Bucharest Bucuresti Bulevardul Carol I Boulevard postcard
L034 Romania Arad Erzsebet Bridge vintage postcard
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