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A099 Germany 1908 Hotel Scheller Dornholzhausen Luftkurort Restaurant postcard
A172 Germany 1937 Striegler's Gasthof Motorcycle Car Restaurant Leipzig postcard
L012 Germany 1906 Leipzig Schwanenteich Swans Theathre vintage postcard
L083 Germany 1902 Kaiser Wilhelm in Goerlitz vintage postcard
A109 Germany 1915 Bautzen Schloss Ortenburg Castle Poem Flags Branches postcard
A109 Germany 1927 Leisnig Industry Neighborhood Factory Viertel postcard
A064 Germany 1912 Dausenau ad Lahn Steuers Wirtshaus Altes Bauernhans postcard
A118 Germany 1910 Zschopautal Lauenhainer Muehle Forest Palace vintage postcard
A118 Germany 1920 Dresden New Town Hall Rathaus vintage postcard
L091 Germany 1907 Gruss aus Groetzingen Brauerei panorama litho vintage postcard
Germany Saechs Schweiz Rathen Basteifelsen mit Elbtal Steamboat vintage postcard
Germany Gammrich b Rathen Saechs Schweiz vintage postcard
RPPC 1931 Group of Friends in Zwickau Drinking Beer Barrick Table postcard
Germany 1902 Dresden Terrasse Elbquai From Tower Steamboats Port postcard
Germany Saechs Schweiz 1916 Wehlen und Poetzcha Steamboat vintage postcard
A061 Germany 1912 Zittau Panoramic view vintage postcard
A102 Germany Luftkurort Holzhausen Huenstein House vintage postcard
Germany Leipzig 1902 Gruss aus Auerbachs Keller restaurant embossed postcard
A082 Germany Leipzig Monument to the Battle of the Nations vintage postcard
A103 Germany 1911 Leipzig Panorama Georg Popp vintage postcard
A102 Germany Versetalsperre i Sauerland Trees Lake RPPC vintage postcard
A164 Germany 1916 Leipzig Augustusplatz Mendebrunnen Fountain WWI field postcard
A178 Germany 1928 Weltrestaurant Panorama Leipzig Oswald Schlinke postcard
A102 Germany Abtei Altenberg Dhuennthale Ruins Abbey vintage postcard
Germany 1905 Thumsee bei Reichenall Lake vintage postcard
A153 Germany 1914 Gruss aus Leipzig Postman Uniform Leporello Bag postcard
A102 Germany Gruss aus Altenberg Burgische Dom Cathedral bei Odenthal postcard
Advertising Auerbachs Keller Leipzig Restaurant embossed vintage postcard
A066 Germany 1947 Ostbevern i W Einziges Bauernhaus House forest postcard
A153 Germany 1914 Leipzig Voelkerschlachtdenkmal Monument Tram WWIfield postcard
Germany 1918 Bad Elster Villa Hansa Pension vintage postcard
L141 Czechia 1922 Aussichtsturm hohen Schneeberg Tower vintage postcard
Germany 1902 Leipzig Zoo Garden Main Building Parkanlage vintage postcard
L121 Germany Dresden Catholic Church and Castle Moonlight vintage postcard
L015 Germany 1924 Plauen Rathaus Koenig Albert Denkmal Statue vintage postcard
L066 Germany Marienberg i. Erzgeb. aerial view postcard
L115 Germany Bad Lausick Blick vom Amtsgericht postcard
L121 Germany Dresden Catholic Church and Castle vintage postcard
A109 Germany 1915 Bautzen Schloss Ortenburg Castle Poem Flags Branches postcard
Germany Leipzig St Michael's Church vintage postcard
A117 Germany Astenbergturm Tower Hochsauerland RPPC vintage postcard
A080 Germany Leipzig Deutsche Buecherei RPPC vintage postcard
L415 Germany 1900 Gruss aus Leipzig litho vintage postcard
Germany 1902 Chemnitz i Sa Eingang zum Stadtpark Coat of Arms embossed postcard
L012 Germany 1916 WWI Feldpost Leipzig Thomasring vintage postcard
A130 Germany 1962 Hotel Brauerei und Gaststaette Felsenkeller Lauenau/Dpostcard
A088 Germany 1939 RPPC Feldpost WWII Leipzig Augustus Square University postcard
A243 Germany Im Kirnitzschtal Bad Schandau Train Railway vintage postcard
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