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Vintage Postcards-Hand Picked for your Collecting Pleasure-Views-Real Photo-Roadside-Transportation & Topical, Early 1900's-1960's
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Chelsie Park Norwich Connecticut Soldiers Monument Rotograph C1905 Postcard 8230
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Postcard Connecticut Westbrook Stannard Beach Neidlinger undivided 23-8770
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Postcard C-1910 Iowa Fort Madison 1st Baptist Church CT Doubletone IA24-4848
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Postcard Connecticut Old Saybrook Fenwick James Pharmacy 23-8686
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Connecticut Litchfield Banton Lake hand colored Simon #8747 Postcard 22-6288
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Connecticut Eastern Point Green House Plants Estate C-1910 Postcard 22-7313
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Washington Connecticut Lake Waramaug West 1909 Postcard 24-8869
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Postcard RPPC Connecticut Litchfield Phelps Tavern #1782 Eastern 23-10755
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Postcard 1950s Connecticut Old Saybrook Castle Hotel autos occupation 23-12669
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Wethersfield Connecticut Hartford Motel autos linen Teich Postcard 21-9504
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Postcard 1950s Connecticut Niantic Yankee Motor Inn Swimming Pool CT24-3776
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East View Public Square 1913 New Haven Connecticut Parker postcard 770
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Farmingham Connecticut 1930s RPPC Photo Postcard Hill-Stead Museum 11930
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Postcard Connecticut Hartford High School Tuck #1077 undivided 23-4841
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1912 Paul's Episcopal Church Parsonage Willimantic Connecticut Cunningham 2243
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American News C-1910 Meadow Street Winsted Connecticut postcard 1805
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Hartford Connecticut Hotel Bondmore autos Postcard occupation Teich 24-9728
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1907 Litchfield Connecticut Law School 1784 {1st in America} Postcard 24-9762
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1912 Bakersfield Connecticut Jones Blacksmith Shop #5776 Postcard RPPC 24-9922
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1950s Westport Connecticut View State Street YMCA Dexter Postcard autos 24-1148
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1940s Hartford Connecticut Hotel Statler autos occupation Postcard 24-9763
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Winsted Connecticut Memorial Library Rotograph undivided C-1910 Postcard 24-9680
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C-1910 Stamford Vermont Mohawk Trail Birdseye View Postcard RPPC 24-11256
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1907 Norwalk Harbor Connecticut Pine Ledge Roton Point Postcard 24-11751
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C-1910 Bellingham Washington Battleship Connecticut Bay Postcard RPPC 24-10436
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C-1910 Waterbury Connecticut Tree growing boulder Postcard Chaplin 24-11714
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1917 Storrs Connecticut Agriculture College Poultry Building Postcard 24-11075
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1920s Loomarwick Lake Waramaug New Preston Connecticut Postcard 24-10988
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C-1905 Hartford Connecticut Stone Bridge Elizabeth Park Postcard 24-11843
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1906 Vermont hand colored Bellows Falls Connecticut River Postcard 24-11317
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1950s Connecticut Turnpike Bus Auto Truck occupation Postcard 25-178
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1908 New Haven Connecticut Yale University Private Mailing Postcard 25-205
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1908 Hartford Connecticut Multi View Postcard undivided 24-11756
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1906 Norwalk Connecticut Trinity Church religion undivided Postcard 25-51
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