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W-border LIBRARY SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AF1610
Unused Pre-1980 SWEDEN HOUSE LODGE MOTEL Rockford Illinois IL J6966
Postcard BIG LETTERS SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AT6785
Postcard HOTEL SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AT5816
Postcard TRAIN STATION SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AR7434
Postcard GARDEN SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AQ5603
Postcard TOWER SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AQ4020
Postcard BUILDING SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AQ1834
Postcard TOURIST ATTRACTION SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AK1636
Pre-1980 HOSPITAL SCENE Rockford Illinois IL W3008
Divided-Back WATER SCENE Rockford Illinois IL hk2950
Divided-Back PARK SCENE Rockford Illinois IL H3694
Linen PARK SCENE Rockford Illinois IL c8752
Damaged-Back Linen HOTEL SCENE Rockford Illinois IL B4249
W-border GARDEN SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AF7012
Linen COURTHOUSE SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AF0014
dog - QSL CB HAM RADIO CARD Rockford Illinois IL t9616
Pre-1980 CHURCH SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AD1657
Postcard SCHOOL SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AQ4932
Postcard ARENA SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AL3743
Postcard PARK SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AK4280
Postcard PARK SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AI0953
Pre-1980 ALBERT PICK MOTEL Rockford Illinois IL W5473
Divided-Back HISTORIC HOME Rockford Illinois IL W4931
Unused Pre-1980 HISTORIC HOME Rockford Illinois IL W3464
Unused Pre-1980 MUSEUM SCENE Rockford Illinois IL hs9386
Pre-1980 MUSEUM SCENE Rockford Illinois IL hr1291
Linen PARK SCENE Rockford Illinois IL hk7321
Unused Pre-1980 PARK SCENE Rockford Illinois IL H2039
Unused Pre-1980 BUILDING SCENE Rockford Illinois IL H4683
Linen PARK SCENE Rockford Illinois IL H3106
Divided-Back TENNIS COURT AT FAIRGROUNDS PARK Rockford Illinois IL H3717
Unused Linen PARK SCENE Rockford Illinois IL H2215
Linen SWISS COTTAGE Rockford Illinois IL G1963
W-Border HOTEL SCENE Rockford Illinois IL B2983
Pre-Chrome COLLEGE SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AG7886
Pre-Chrome HIGH SCHOOL SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AG6517
1980s MUSEUM SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AG0902
Pre-1980 POST OFFICE SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AF0816
Linen RIVER SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AE6348
Pre-1980 ST. ANTHONY HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF NURSING Rockford Illinois IL t5281
comic - QSL CB HAM RADIO CARD Rockford Illinois IL t9615
comic - QSL CB HAM RADIO CARD Rockford Illinois IL t9614
Pre-1980 POOL AT MOTEL Rockford IL M4307
Pre-1980 NATURE SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AD2489
Pre-1980 HOSPITAL SCENE Rockford Illinois IL J9969
Postcard CHURCH SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AR3543
Postcard HOUSE SCENE Rockford Illinois IL AQ5171
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