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RPPC South View from Empire State Observatory New York City New York
YMCA Building World's Fair New York 1940
United Nations Delegates' Restaurant New York City New York
Woolworth Building and Post Office New York City New York
Christmas Tree 2000 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York City NY 4 by 6
Empire State Building New York City New York 4 by 6 Mailed 1994
China Town New York City New York Mailed 1939
Boating on Brown Lake New York Zoological Park New York City
Musk OX & Adorable Little Girl New York Zoological Park New York City
Looking up Broadway from the Times Building New York City New York
Hotel Commonwealth New York City
Day and Night in New York City New York 4 by 6
Public Library & 5th Ave New York City New York
Riding Animals Algerian Donkeys New York Zoological Park New York City
Municipal Ferries and Lower New York City New York
New York Yankees Baseball 4 by 6
RPPC Riverside Church The West Portal New York New York
RPPC Riverside Church The Nave Seats 2,000 New York New York
Alaskan Brown Bear & Zoo Keeper New York City Zoological Park
Lady & Children Riding Elephant New York Zoological Park New York City New York
Brooklyn Bridge New York City New York 4 by 6
Zoo Keeper & 2 Horned Rhino New York Zoological Park New York City New York
Indian Lepard Cub New York Zoological Park New York City New York
Concourse Entrance New York City Zoological Park New York
Sea Lion Pool & Baird Court New York City Zoological Park New York
Columbus Circle and Central Park New York City New York
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