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Beacon Rock, Residence of E.D. Morgan, Newport RI c1905 UDB Vintage Postcard L37
Interior, Redwood Library, Newport RI Vintage Postcard I12
Gate and Entrance to The Breakers, Vanderbilt Residence Newport RI Postcard D06
Apprentice Seamen at Newport Training Station RI Sailors Vintage Postcard S20
The Forty Steps Newport RI Undivided Back Vintage Postcard L48
RPPC Newport Bridge, Oregon Coast Highway Vintage Postcard V17
Sailors Practicing Alphabetical Drilling, Newport RI Naval Training Postcard O53
View of The Emanuel Church, Newport RI c1909 Vintage Postcard L49
Cape Foulweather, Newport Oregon Vintage Postcard J04
View of Old Stone Mill, Touro Park Newport RI UDB Vintage Postcard L48
Target Practice, 200 Yd Range, Naval Training Station Newport RI Postcard G78
Submarines Shark and Porpoise, Newport Training Station Newport RI Postcard M78
Aerial View, Fort Adams Newport Rhode Island Lake Dock Vintage Postcard I18
Dudley Old Bull House, Newport RI Vintage Postcard S80
Post Office, Newport RI Vintage Linen Postcard E22
Championship Tennis at Newport Casino, Newport RI Postcard T74
Hotel Viking, Newport RI c1941 Vintage Linen Postcard H10
Tucks 5561 Newport RI The Breakers, Vanderbilt Residence c1910 Vtg Postcard J61
Hotel Viking, Newport RI c1950 Vintage Postcard H10
Jones, Drexel and Pearson Residences, Ochre Point Newport RI Vtg Postcard L48
Sailors Practicing Alphabetical Drilling, Newport RI Naval Training Postcard O53
RPPC Newport Bridge, Oregon Coast Highway Vintage Postcard V17
Residence of Dr Barton Jacobs Newport RI c1913 Vintage Postcard C08
The Forty Steps Newport RI Undivided Back Vintage Postcard L48
View of Old Stone Mill, Touro Park Newport RI UDB Vintage Postcard L48
Base Headquarters, US Naval Stations Newport RI c1962 Vintage Postcard U43
RPPC U.S. Atlantic Fleet In Line Formation Off Newport RI Vintage Postcard H45
US Training Ship Constellation, Newport RI Vintage Postcard B58
Fort Adam, Newport RI Tucks 5558 Vintage Postcard F57
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View of The Emanuel Church, Newport RI c1909 Vintage Postcard L49
Cape Foulweather, Newport Oregon Vintage Postcard J04
Entrance to Newport Beach, Newport RI Vintage Postcard D75
U.S. Naval Training Station Parade Ground Newport RI Vintage Postcard R25
Aerial View, Belcourt Castle Bellevue Ave Newport RI Postcard I69
The Newport Casino, The Crescent, View from Entrance Newport RI Vtg Postcard F46
Excursion Boat, City of Newport c1922 Vintage Postcard E49
Target Practice, 200 Yd Range, Naval Training Station Newport RI Postcard G78
Beacon Rock, Residence of E.C. Morgan Newport RI Vintage Postcard B19
Residence of Dr Barton Jacobs Newport RI c1913 Vintage Postcard C08
Harbor from Fort Greene, Newport RI Vintage Postcard R25
Beach from the Cliffs Newport RI c1910 Vintage Postcard C08
Trinity Church, Graveyard Newport Rhode Island Vintage Linen Postcard I18
View of Newport Casino, Bellevue Avenue Newport RI Postcard Q78
The Casino, Bellevue Avenue Newport RI c1903 Undivided Back Vintage Postcard Q61
Stone Tower Old Mill Channing Monument Newport RI Vintage Postcard R25
Postcard Lake Memphremagog from Owls Head, Newport Vermont E04
Administration Building U.S. Navy Training Station Newport RI c1917 Postcard J10
Old Colony House, Newport RI Vintage Postcard H12
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