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463951 USSR 1970 year Kislovodsk castle of deceit and love postcard
459503 USSR 1971 year Kislovodsk castle deceit and love POSTAL stationery
442643 USSR 1982 year Kislovodsk Castle restaurant postcard
440721 Liechtenstein 1987 year set of FDC vaduz castle views
420398 USA 1997 y Brandeis University Usen Castle POSTAL stationery postcard
414056 USSR 1979 Grodno settlement peace castle Belarus Provisional
280367 USSR 1982 year Vetso Transcarpathia German castle postal COVER
283368 USSR 1989 year Babenkov Volyn Region Lutsk Castle postal COVER
426882 USSR Leningrad Lithuanian castle former Tsarist prison Vintage GIZ
419527 Vatican 1970 year Expo Osaka castle First Day maximum card
278875 USSR 1980 year Prisekin Volyn Region Lutsk Castle postal COVER
276099 POLAND 1977 year Szczecin castle postal card
273941 POLAND 1972 year Warszawa castle postal card
445752 EAST GERMANY GDR 1986 year FDC castle Dornburg
297431 USSR Lithuania 1958 year Vilnius Gediminas castle tower COVER
435831 USSR 1949 Leningrad Engineering castle Zivert Lenfotohudozhnik
435482 USSR 1976 year Vetso Estonia Kingisepp Kuressaare castle postal COVER
433002 USSR Leningrad Lithuanian castle former Tsar's prison Vintage GIZ
429634 USSR LENINGRAD Engineers Castle BUS IZOGIZ 1955 year postcard
420195 GERMANY 1982 year Zulpich castle postal postcard
419749 POLAND 1980 year Przemysl Castle postal postcard POSTAL stationery
419753 POLAND 1981 year Pszczyna Castle postal postcard POSTAL stationery
419730 POLAND 1971 year Warszawa Royal Castle postal postcard POSTAL stationery
419692 POLAND 1967 year Gmina Baranowo Castle postal postcard POSTAL stationery
414057 USSR 1979 Grodno settlement peace castle Belarus Provisional
413078 ESTONIA 1991 Vetso Latvia Bauska ruins Bauska castle mixed franking
407772 USSR 1957 year Kislovodsk castle treachery and love pension postal COVER
408040 USSR 1960 year Kalashnikov Tbilisi Metekh castle postal COVER
408039 USSR 1960 year Kalashnikov Tbilisi Metekh castle postal COVER
406986 USSR 1974 year Beylin Kislovodsk Restaurant Castle postal COVER
278350 USSR 1978 year Chekhova Lithuania Trakai Castle postal COVER
277760 USSR 1976 year Kalashnikov Vyborg Castle postal COVER
277687 USSR 1975 year Kalashnikov Estonia Tallinn Castle Toompea postal COVER
276094 POLAND 1977 year Malbork castle postal card
276089 POLAND 1977 year Lublin castle postal card
273953 POLAND 1972 year Warszawa castle postal card
273899 POLAND 1971 year Warszawa castle postal card
273830 POLAND 1968 year Czorsztynie ruins castle postal card
294589 USSR Lithuania 1958 year Vilnius Gediminas castle tower COVER
292175 POLAND 1977 year Szczecin castle postal card Lodz
283527 USSR 1989 year Kostenko Kislovodsk castle of perfidy and love postal
282873 USSR 1988 year Vetso Estonia Kingisepp Castle Kuressaare postal COVER
282000 USSR 1986 year Panchenko Transcarpathia Mukachevo Castle Palanok postal
281962 USSR 1985 year Martynov Riga Castle of Riga postal COVER
219528 USSR 1964 Vettso Kislovodsk Castle treachery and love postal COVER
422052 ESTONIA 1999 year Narva Hermann Castle postal postcard
412984 BELARUS RUSSIA 1992 Latvia Bauska ruins Bauska castle registered Grodno
409235 USSR 1969 Vitolin Lithuania Vilnius Gediminas castle tower postal COVER
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