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192744 IRELAND GALWAY 12 views Vintage postcard
3147304 UK Northern Ireland BELFAST Royal avenue TRAMS OLD pc
3130245 Ireland CORK Patrick Street TRAM Vintage postcard
3105343 IRELAND CORK marina looking across the river Vintage PC
3105344 IRELAND King street Cork TRAM Vintage photo PC
3132917 IRELAND DUBLIN Vintage photo collage
3147349 Ireland DUBLIN O'Connell's Statue Vintage 1902 y RPPC
442068 IRELAND Kerry Dunquin harbour Dingle Peninsula Old postcard
203303 Ireland DUBLIN College Green TRAMS ADVERTISING RPPC
3091471 Ireland Jaunting car in the Phoenix park Dublin Vintage
442028 IRELAND Dublin O'Connell bridge street advertising buses Old postcard
3105339 IRELAND CORK Patrick street Vintage PC
3091495 Ireland Liffey & O'Connel bridge Dublin Vintage PC
272828 IRELAND 1994 year Field hockey First Day COVER
419491 Ireland 1987 year Postal uniform postal postcard POSTAL stationery
3151703 Ireland BELFAST City Hall & Garden of Remembrance OLD
425226 IRELAND to GERMANY 1987 year real posted COVER
421303 Ireland to GERMANY 1965 year EUROPA CEPT real posted First Day COVER
420443 Ireland to GERMANY 1987 year real posted COVER
420445 Ireland to GERMANY 1985 year registered Cootehill real posted COVER
419005 Ireland 1960 year EUROPA CEPT First Day COVER
3175012 Northern IRELAND Giant CAUSEWAY Horizontal Pillars OLD
3105346 IRELAND Lee at St.Patrick's bridge Cork Vintage PC
442032 IRELAND Galway Eyre Square bus cars Old postcard
207760 HISTORICAL IRELAND Old poster photo collage postcard
425561 IRELAND to GERMANY 2001 year Postage meter real posted COVER
420442 Ireland to GERMANY 1958 year real posted COVER
420444 Ireland to GERMANY 1989 year real posted COVER
419006 Ireland 1963 year EUROPA CEPT First Day COVER
3158595 Ireland KILLARNEY Brickeen Bridge Vintage postcard
207759 CASTLES of IRELAND Old poster photo collage postcard
162564 IRELAND EIRE 1992 Sailboats FDC Cover
425158 IRELAND GERMANY 1987 Bunratty Castle RPPC Variable value stamp sea fauna
442196 2000-years Ireland Dublin St.Patricks cathedral tourist advertising
442038 IRELAND Clare Ballyvaughan Aillwee Cave Old postcard
467889 Germany 1989 year first day folding sheet jointly with Ireland
206518 Northern Ireland BELFAST Donegall square Vintage photo
442067 IRELAND Clare Cliffs of mother Old postcard
446815 Ireland 1962 year FDC Europa CEPT
460685 Ireland Dublin general worker union Liberty Hall ruins after Rising photo
441604 Ireland 1964 year Cork Strand Youghal cars postcard
441309 Ireland 1991 year Donegal Muckish mountain RPPC to Germany
476705 1979 FDC Ireland European Parliament signed certificate authenticity
441066 Ireland 1973 Gallarus oratory RPPC to Germany cancellation advertising
441418 Ireland 1997 Louth Monasterboice Germany advertising Kate OBrien on stamp
441202 Ireland 1981 Clare river Shannon RPPC to Germany cancellation advertising
441174 Great Britain 1979 year Ireland RPPC to Germany
470894 Ireland Co. Cork Blarney Castle Kissing Blaney Stone Old postcard
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