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!!!WELCOME!!! Huge choice of excellent and rare POSTCARDS, PHOTOS and COLLECTABLES. If you buy 10 or more our lots worldwide registered postage is free of charge for you
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403258 USSR 1975 Beylin Krasnodar region Gelendzhik poet Lermontov monument
403259 USSR 1975 Beylin Krasnodar region Gelendzhik poet Lermontov monument
403252 USSR 1975 Vetso Sculptural monuments of Moscow monument to Leo Tolstoy
403249 USSR 1975 Vetso Sculptural monuments of Moscow monument to Shevchenko
403250 USSR 1975 Vetso Sculptural monuments of Moscow monument to Ostrovskiy
403247 USSR 1975 Vetso Sculptural monuments of Moscow monument to Lermontov
403251 USSR 1975 Vetso Sculptural monuments Moscow Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy
403248 USSR 1975 Smirnov Kemerovo region Leninsk-Kuznetsky monument to Lomonosov
403230 USSR 1974 Zaitsev Zaytsev Alma-Ata monument to Abai Kunanbayev COVER
403227 USSR 1974 Lithuania Yakunin Vilnius monument Mickyavichyus-Kapsukas COVER
403231 USSR 1974 Zaitsev Zaytsev Alma-Ata monument to Abai Kunanbayev COVER
403228 USSR 1974 Zaitsev Zaytsev Alma-Ata monument to Abai Kunanbayev COVER
403221 USSR 1974 year Nadtochy Kiev monument to Pushkin postal COVER
403225 USSR 1974 Aksamit Ashgabat monument to the poet Makhtumkuli postal COVER
403222 USSR 1974 year Vetso Dnepropetrovsk monument to Pushkin postal COVER
403137 USSR 1973 Zaitsev Zaytsev Kalinin Oblast Bezhetsk monument to Shishkov
403117 USSR 1973 year Komlev Penza monument to Belinsky postal COVER
403118 USSR 1973 year Komlev Penza monument to Belinsky postal COVER
403112 USSR 1973 Zavyalov monument Ostrovsky in front small theater in Moscow
403113 USSR 1973 year Yakunin Kharkiv Shevchenko monument postal COVER
403094 USSR 1973 year Shatihin Moscow Gogol monument postal COVER
403095 USSR 1973 year Yakunin Tashkent monument to Alisher Navoi postal COVER
403075 USSR 1972 Marchukov Dnepropetrovsk monument to poet Pushkin postal COVER
422844 USSR 1965 year Saratov Lenin monument photo Mazelev LIK postcard
422839 1954 LENINGRAD Monument Lenin square Finland Station Lenfotohudozhnik
422821 USSR 1961 year Kazan Lenin's monument photo Ozersky IZOGIZ postcard
419440 FRANCE 1964 year Saint-Jean-de-Monts monument Deportation maximum card
418392 FRANCE 1962 year memory of the resistant monument First Day COVER
416869 Switzerland 1968 year First Day COVER historical monument FDC
3178922 Lithuania KAUNAS monument Vytautas Montvila OLD COVER
3178838 Armenia architectural monument of the 14th POSTAL COVER
414246 RUSSIA 1994 year Moscow monument to Pushkin postal card
414184 USSR 1987 Tbilisi monument to the poet Ietim Gurji postal P/ stationery
414169 USSR 1986 Pushkin monument Pushkin Lyceum students postal P/ stationery
414160 USSR 1985 Kharkov monument to Taras Shevchenko postal P/ stationery
414163 USSR 1985 Sevastopol is monument submariners Black Sea postal stationery
414148 USSR 1983 Minsk monument to Yakub Kolas postal postcard P/ stationery
414134 USSR 1982 Yerevan a monument to David of Sasun postal P/ stationery
414125 USSR 1981 Abkhazia Sukhumi Shota Rustaveli monument postal P/ stationery
414111 USSR 1981 Leningrad monument to Peter the Great postal P/ stationery
414113 USSR 1981 year Sochi Ostrovsky monument postal postcard P/ stationery
414110 USSR 1981 Yerevan a monument to David of Sasun postal P/ stationery
414114 USSR 1981 Tbilisi monument Shota Rustaveli postal postcard P/ stationery
414069 USSR 1980 Leningrad Lenin monument in front Smolny postal P/ stationery
414078 USSR 1980 Samarkand monument to popular narrators postal P/ stationery
414063 USSR 1980 Alma-Ata monument of Chokan Valihanov postal P/ stationery
414046 USSR 1979 Kiev monument to Taras Shevchenko postal postcard P/ stationery
414039 USSR 1978 Leningrad Lenin monument at Finland Station postal stationery
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