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297119 19th antarctic expedition USA-sciensist exchange programm ship post Ob
409732 1976 22th Antarctic ship Somov station Druzhnaya USA Exchange
410773 1977 North Pole-US Flight ANT-25 plane Research Station North Pole 24
3162856 USA 1971 Submarine Lance Cover
273380 USA 1984 year Herman Melville Moby Dick FDC
3158197 Shooting Chutes LUNA PARK Coney Island N.Y. USA Vintage
3147485 USA PUERTO RICO SAN JUAN Hat vendors Vintage postcard
497960 USA 1972 Pioneer DSS-11 communications station Barstow cancellation SPACE
286761 USA Beach view Lindley Baths Vintage Stereo view postcard
409728 1976 22th Antarctic ship Somov station Molodozhnaya USA Exchange
499036 USA 1947 year FDC bird fauna flamingo Everglades national park
494767 USA 1969 Apollo 12 Moon landing special cancellation SPACE facsimile card
494670 USA 1969 Apollo 11 Moon landing Cape Canaveral cancellation SPACE COVER
421006 USA Hawaiian Islands Vintage set of 18 views
231974 USA Coat of arms STAMPS Vintage Zieher postcard
185721 Brussels MANNEKEN PIS Dressed USA NAVY Boy Vintage PC
497959 USA 1972 year Apollo 17 Kennedy Space Center special cancellation SPACE
494671 USA 1969 Apollo 11 Start Cape Canaveral special cancellation SPACE COVER
494875 USA 1973 USNS range Sentinel fleet post office Cape Canaveral SPACE
400306 USA to Germany 1950-years real posted Yakima Wash old COVER
494878 USA 1973 USNS Redstone fleet post office Cape Canaveral SPACE
201466 TOKELAU to USA 1949 year real posted cover w/ stamps
494830 USA 1976 post office in Zurich Switzerland cancellation SPACE COVER
494849 USA 1968 Radio Astronomy explorer 38 Vandenberg air base SPACE
494850 USA 1973 Skylab II Cape Canaveral cancellation SPACE COVER local stamp
241870 USA Homes of MOVIE STARS Vintage set of 18 views
494885 USA 1989 Amundsen-Scott south pole station cancellation w/ autograph
231913 USA Coat of arms STAMPS Vintage embossed Zieher PC
496181 USA 1986 set First Day maximum cards dedicated philately stamp collecting
494837 USA 1983 shuttle Challenger Cape Canaveral cancellation SPACE COVER
494863 USA 1973 Skylab launch USNS Redstone Cape Canaveral cancellation SPACE
494831 USA 1972 Apollo landing on moon american flag Cape Canaveral SPACE
494828 USA 1969 first Man on Moon Cape Canaveral cancellation SPACE COVER
197888 USA 1940 year first Pony express mail First Day Cover
409949 1976 year22th Antarctic Antarctica station Druzhnaya USA-exchange
494677 USA 1972 Apollo 16 landing Cape Canaveral helicopter cancellation SPACE
3058942 USA Post Pffice St.Cloud Winn Vintage PC
272188 USA Creatures of the Sea Otter Gold stamp1990 year FDC
424676 USA 1980 y Winter Olympiad Lake Placid Olympic Committee First Day COVER
424618 USA 1980 y Winter Olympiad Lake Placid Olympic Committee First Day COVER
494704 USA 1972 Apollo 17 Pacific Recovery Force cancellation SPACE COVER
494806 USA 1973 X-24B space shuttle Edwards cancellation SPACE stationery COVER
494672 USA 1969 Apollo 11 President Nixon Cape Canaveral cancellation SPACE
494864 USA 1973 USNS Redstone fleet post office Cape Canaveral SPACE
254906 USA LUFTHANSA Lima Frankfurt LH 490/492 First flight 1966 postmark
432673 USA African American is ready to work with a rake Vintage postcard
410786 1977 22nd Antarctic Expedition Antarctica station Druzhnaya USA Exchange
494675 USA 1969 Apollo 12 Start Cape Canaveral special cancellation SPACE COVER
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