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524359 ARABIAN Women Cradle by TAUPIN Vintage postcard SALON 1911 year
524352 BARTOS Czechoslovakian Folk Songs DRUNK Men 1924 year Vintage postcard
477431 Aleksey KOLTSOV KOLTCOV Russian POET Vintage postcard
477425 RUSSIA Eugene Baratynsky poet St.Eugenie #5957 Vintage postcard
524330 AXENTOWICZ Rural Girl Village POLAND Vintage postcard #422
477412 Johann Wolfgang GOETHE German POET playwright Vintage postcard
477414 Leonardo da VINCI Italian polymath painter scientist Vintage postcard
524283 1955 sculpture Museum Pimenov guy playing knucklebones ed. 35000 Izogiz
524284 1955 sculpture Museum Chizhov children playing blind man buff ed. 35000
475916 SVATOPLUK CECH Czech writer POET by MANES Vintage postcard Svabinskeho
524119 Dmitri MENDELEEV chemist 25th anniversary of death Institute France
524118 Dmitri MENDELEEV Russian chemist Vintage postcard CHARITY for monument
524107 Charles DARWIN English Scientist naturalist Vintage PHOTO postcard Russia
524033 SCIENTIST Writer in his library Vintage REAL PHOTO postcard
523976 RUSSIA Young Sailor Boy in MIRRORS spirit seance Vintage REAL PHOTO
523961 GERMANY Chemnitz Kids Glasses Lavalier Vintage REAL PHOTO AUTOGRAPH
523899 UPTON Old Lady in Blue room MIRROR Vintage postcard SALON #2009
523905 Pearle Fidler LEMUNYAN Considering the evidence Vintage American Girl #49
523886 DOBSON Scottish life Old Woman reading Book Words of comfort TUCK #9479
523885 Harrison FISHER Bubbles Girl Vintage postcard FINLAND
523462 USSR radio inventor Popov Zaporozhye Leningrad QSL RADIO Card 1959 year
523454 USSR radio inventor Popov Azerbaijan Baku QSL RADIO Card 1948 year
523776 Angelo ASTI Long Hair Girl POLAND Vintage postcard tinted
522355 1947 Max Planck German theoretical physicist Nobel Prize winner
523762 GIBSON Lady Gentlement PARTY Vintage postcard - Above and Below Board
523714 RUSSIA Izmailovich Dream Belle Girl Vintage postcard Luban #13-141
523707 Angelo ASTI Belle Girl Inspiration RUSSIA Vintage postcard
523677 Vasily PEROV Trumpeter Savoyard Boy Beggar RUSSIA Vintage postcard
523652 Angelo ASTI Belle Girl w/ Long Hair RUSSIA Vintage postcard
523611 1963 Kutilov World Congress Women cancellation Moscow postal COVER
522106 USSR radio inventor Popov Kuibyshev QSL RADIO Card 1948 year
208286 RUSSIA sculptor Konenkov portrait of Albert Einstein old card
485864 USSR 1970 writer Leo Tolstoy playing chess by Sukhotin Planeta
485865 USSR 1970 year writer Leo Tolstoy publishing house Planeta postcard
478328 Pyotr SCHMIDT Russian Naval Officer Lieutenant Revolutionary postcard
478327 Mikhail BAKUNIN Russian Revolutionary Anarchist Vintage postcard
478323 Nikolay BAUMAN Russian revolutionary politician Bolshevik Party postcard
478324 Stepan BALMASHOV Russian revolutionary murderer Vintage postcard
478318 Jean JAURES French Socialist leader Philosopher Vintage postcard RUSSIA
478311 Dmitry KARAKOZOV Russian revolutionary Vintage postcard
478308 Grigory GERSHUNI Russian revolutionary Jew Vintage postcard
478190 RUSSIA Konstantin AKSAKOV Critic WRITER St.Eugenie Red Cross #5974
443720 KARL MARX German POLITICIAN philosopher Vintage PHOTO postcard RUSSIA
443702 Ivan BUNIN Great Russian WRITER Vintage PHOTO postcard
443668 Louis BOTHA South African politician BOER WAR Vintage PHOTO postcard
443650 RAFFI Armenian WRITER novelist POET Vintage postcard Russia
443603 SILVER AGE Sergey GORODETSKY Russian POET Vintage PHOTO postcard
521958 USSR Vakhromeev girl in a white dress Vintage AKHR postcard
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