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Refried Jeans Postcards Est. Online in 1999 Where History is a Memory You Can Hold in Your Hands...
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Steubenville OH Pittsburgh Patent Medicine~Crudaform~Lady Reads~Monkey/Cat 1880s
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Peoria Illinois~Adams Street~Umbrella Over Food Vendor Stand~Bergner's~1912
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Toledo Ohio~Memorial Building~Pure Food Show Sign~c1905 Postcard
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Bernhardt Wall~Saturday~Market Day~Sunbonnet Girl~Basket Of Food~Umbrella~c1905
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Orland Park Illinois~Brennan's Fine Food Roadside~Cocktail Lounge Bar~1950 Linen
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Clapsaddle Easter~Three Chicks Wait Beside Empty Food Bowl~Emboss~IAPC~1908
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Albany NY Bacon Stickney Enterprise Baking Powder~Trade Card~Victorian Suitor
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Bird Artist Alfred Schonian~Farmyard Scene~Peacock On Food Trough~Rooster~Hens
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Chicago Worlds Fair 1933~Lagoon Night Lights~National Food Stores~Linen Art Deco
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Higganum Inn CT Sandwiches Bar or Tap Room~Bull Horns~Deer Head Trophies~Gun
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Christmas~Art Deco~Brown Bear Finds Food Basket On Snowy Hill By House~1928
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Artist~Dogs Skating~Hot Chocolate Stand~"Ice Skating"~SchaatsenSkater Falls~1910
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Artist Artelius~Art Deco~New Year Baby At Food Cart~Fat Vendor~Mustards Sausage
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Omaha Nebraska~Overland Greyhound Bus Station~Harkerts Good Food~ART DECO Linen
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Roanoke Illinois~Main Street~LAdy's Cafe~Food Co-Op Silos~RPPC 1950s Postcard
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Lowell Massachusetts~EW Hoyt & Co~German Cologne~1890 Ladies Flower Calendar~VTC
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Honor Michigan~Ol' Country Store~Money's Fine Food~ Eat~Liquor Store~1970s Car
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Hershey Pennsylvania~Chocolate Company~Garage & Livery~c1910 Candy Bar Postcard
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New Year's Day~Robins Read Sign~Peck For Food In Snow~Gold~Emb~1911 John Winsch
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Ephrata Pennsylvania~Foodergong Restaurant~Hay-Loft Gift Shop~Route 222~c1960s
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Hershey Pennsylvania~Chocolate Factory & Railroad Station~Depot~c1920s
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TUCK Good Luck Valentine~Colonial Couple on Chocolate Cookie Heart~Embossed~1908
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Hershey Pennsylvania~Hershey Chocolate Company~Hershey YMCA & Gymnasium~1913
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Atlantic City Permanent Exhibit~Sun Parlor~Rolling Chair~Heinz 57 Pure Food Pier
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Grosse Point Detroit Michigan~Village Manor Restaurant~Food Shop~Area Map~c1960
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Boston~Beach Clarridge Fruits & Extracts~1906 Food Fair Mechanics Bldg~Alarm Box
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Toledo Ohio~Woolson Spice Co~Lil Girl Tries on Hat~Art Nouveau Gold~1895 VTC Adv
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Cascade Iowa~Main Street Chevrolet Car Dealer Motor Sales~Texaco~Food Mart~RPPC
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Tama Iowa~Clover Farm Stores~Cox Food Products Company Car~?oza Clothier RPPC PC
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Centuria Wisconsin~Hardware & Variety Store~Fairway Foods~Art Deco Garage RPPC
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Military~WWI Soldiers On Transport Ship Deck Surround Food Boxes~c1917 RPPC
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Bigfork Minnesota~Main Street Hotel~Red Owl Food Store~VFW CLub~1940s Cars~RPPC
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Shawano Wisconsin~Main Street Volunteer Food Store~Heinz Drugs~1940s Cars RPPC
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Siren Wisconsin~Main Street~Fairway Food Store~1st Bank Building~1940s Cars~RPPC
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Artist P Ebner~Children Art Ser #1168~Proper Christmas Parade~Flowers~Food~1932
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Manchester Herald Newspaper Editor Joe McCormick~Sioux City Journal~Palindrome
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Fremont Michigan~Closeup~2 Smokestacks~RRTracks~Gerber's Baby Foods Factory~RPPC
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Aberdeen~Dunn's Food Van~Gaslight Lamppost?~Painless Dentist~Waugh's~RPPC
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Fremont Michigan~The Plant Where Baby Food Is Made~Gerber's~RPPC 1930s Cars PC
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Royalty~Painting of Coronation George V~JS Fry & Sons Chocolate~1911 Postcard
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Denison Iowa~Main Street~Logan's~Gelfand's Groceries~Chocolate Truck~1940s RPPC
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Marianne Frimberger~The Little Cook~Child w/Food Tray~Puppy Watches~Steiff Bear
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Ribeiro Freto Sao Paulo ~Coffee & Tea Journal of NYC~Barboza Plantation Fszenda
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Murdo South Dakota~Main Street Tourist Café~Home Brand Foods Store~1940s RPPC
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Santa Cruz y Matamoros "Horse" Street Car Closeup~Dog Wants Boy's Food~RPPC 1927
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Hershey Pennsylvania~Color Candy Bar~Tennis Court~Hershey Chocolate Co~c1910 PC
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Waterville~National Food Store Semi~Leuthold's Clothier~Popcorn Stand~1940s RPPC
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Leland S~Main Street~Stop & Shop Food Market~7up~S&H Green Stamps~1950s Cars B&W
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