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Mosquee Caire Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
The Tomb of Rameses II Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Solitude Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Courtyard of the Mosque Mohamed Ali Cairo Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
The Hypostyle Hall showing the Centre of the Pillar and the Obelisk of Queen ...
Native Woman Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Caire Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Elargissement du Canal Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
The Sheikh Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Femmes Kabyles allant a a Fontaine Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Temple Esnech Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Une Rue Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Horse and Carriage Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Hirte Berger Shepherd Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
General View Port Tewfiek Egypt, Egypte, Africa 1927
Cairo Sheraton Hotel Cairo Egypt, Egypte, Africa Writing on back
Water Carrier Egypt, Egypte, Africa 1913
Place Mohamed Aly Alexandrie Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Women Bringing Water from the Nile Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Avenue de Cherif Pacha Alexandrie Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
River Egypt, Egypte, Africa Writing on back
Entrance to the Coptic Church Aor Serge Cairo Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Near City Gate Cairo Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Maison Hollandaise Port Said Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Phylon Karnak Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Kom Ombo Relief of the Peristyle Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
La Prier Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Opera Square Cairo Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Mosque Sultan Ahmed Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Costume Alabanese Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Sais or Running Footmen Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Rue Arabe Le Caire Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Courtyard of the Mosque Mohamed Ali Cairo Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Route de Louosor Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Le Pont Khedive Ismail et Semiramis Hotel Le Caire Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Nile Hilton, Jewel of Egypt Cairo Egypt, Egypte, Africa 1965
General View Cairo Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Jeune Femme Arabe Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Laborers Excavating at eh Temple of Ammon Karnak Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Palanquins dans le Desert Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Palace Cairo Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Groupe de Femmes bedouines Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
The Road to the Pyramids Egypt, Egypte, Africa Writing on back
General View Cairo Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
The Ramsseum, Great Hypostyle Halle Thebes Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
Interieur de couloir et vue sur la cour, Mosque El Azhar Egypt, Egypte, Afric...
Rue Colmar, Colmar Street Suez Egypt, Egypte, Africa Postal Used Unknown, Mis...
Colonne de Pompee Alexandrie Egypt, Egypte, Africa Unused
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