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B-118054 Abraham Lincoln Statue by Daniel Chester French USA North America
B-189874 The Trocadero Paris France
B-199118 Le Lac De Gaube Cauterets France
B-217023 Salle des Chevaliers Abbaye Mont Saint Michel France
B-217027 Réfactoire des Moines Abbaye Mont Saint Michel France
M-57687 Francesco Guardi: Canale di Brenta
M-106454 Monaco Boulevard Denver Colorado
M-39820 Lower Basilica of San Francesco Assisi Italy
M-45520 New Life Island Frenchtown New Jersey
M-39816 Place du Carrousel and Tuileries Garden Paris France
M-45526 New Life Island Frenchtown New Jersey USA
M-129343 Le Plan d'Eau Port de Penne France
M-57768 The Seine River in Paris France
B-154084 Notre-Dame illuminée, Paris, France
B-154048 La Marine, Erbalunga, France
B-77384 Gorges du Loup - Pont de l'Abîme, France
B-73736 Interior of the Church - Saint-Vougay, France
M-40148 Lincoln Statue by Daniel Chester French
M-91775 The Sea Club Monaco Monaco
M-129341 Le Canal du Midi France
M-57361 Circuit of the Grand Canon Verdon Gorge France
B-189857 Les Enfants aux Tuileries, Paris, France
B-300019 Vue De La Fontaine De Grenelle Paris France
M-96098 Les Arêtes de la Meije et le Pic Central Massif du Pelvoux France
M-76652 General View Prise de la Reine Hortense Cauterets France
M-76622 Le Pont Italien Parc Monceau Paris France
B-85079 The Quai d'Anjou, towards the Hôtel de Lauzun - Paris, France
M-56645 Braille Louis Braille Blind Frenchman Touch Reading System
M-57842 General view of the Place des Pyrénées Mourenx France
M-35499 The Casino Monte Carlo France
M-76656 Panorama of the City Paris France
M-91616 Detail of the Covings of the Portal of the Last Judgment France
M-9133 Côte d'Azur France
M-18536 Façade of Notre-Dame Paris France
M-0129 The Holy Chapel of the Law-Courts Paris France
B-190337 La Cascade du Bois de Boulogne Paris France
B-301277 Château de Montfort France
B-123983 Le Monument Patton, Avrenches, France
B-73821 Chancellor of France by Porthus
M-53757 Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III Prince's Palace of Monaco
M-96137 Le Casino et les Terrasses Monte-Carlo Monaco Monaco
M-124289 Sous Louis XVI Les Tuileries au XVIII Siècle Paris France
M-215604 French Statue Fountain of Youth Wilson Castle Proctor Vermont USA
M-57809 An arm of the Loir La Chartre-sur-le-Loir France
B-301265 Train A Grande Vitesse De La SNCF France
B-65318 General View - Monte Carlo, Monaco
B-213651 Paris France
B-213613 Landscape seen from Montmartre By Luce Paris France
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