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Motel San Luis, Cuilican, Sin., Mexico
San Miguel Church, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Vista de La Fuente Monumental en La Alameda, Monterray, N.L. Mexico
General View of Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico, On the Bay (7148
Panama City Beach, Florida (8421)
Albuquerque, New Mexico (8671)
Colombia - Cartagena
South Carolilna State Capitol, Columbia, South Carolina
Texas, West Columbia
Canado British Columbia
San Miguel de Allenda from the Institute San Miguel de Alende(7154
Tepic Nayarit, Mexico
Clovis, New Mexico
Cuba - Morro Castle in Santiago
San Miguel Church, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Playa Bajada Del Pulpito, Puerto Vallerrta, Jal., Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico (8666)
Mexico - Vista Aerea de la Glorieta Colon, Air View of Columbus Circle
Mexico - Aqua Caliente - Entrance to Casino, Wishing Well in Foreground
The Plaza, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Nelson - British Columbia
Loretto Chapel, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Santa Rosa, New Mexico 8015
Fine Art Museum, Santa Fe, New Mexico
New Mexico State Capitol, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Old Town Albuquerque, Albuquerque, New Mexico (8668)
Entrance to New Hotel Building, Hotel Agua Caliente Tijuana Mexico
Century Plant and Cottage, Bermuda
Pyramid Rock, Gallup, New Mexico 8011
Main Altar showing the Virgin of Guadalupe, Mexico
El Acueducto, Morelia, Mich., Mexico (7147
Columbia River, Cello Falls (8697)
New Mexico, Santa Fe
Royal Poinciana Tree, Bermuda 7511
New Mexico, Artesia
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Cuba - Matanzas
Pink Beach, Bermuda 7513
Mexico - The Independence Monument
Saludow desde Taxco, Mexico
Hindu Temples, Port of Spain, Trinidad (28739
El Rey Inn, Santa Fe, New Mexico
The Acoustic Shell in the Park of the Amercas, Yucatan, Mexico
Rock of Ages, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico 8010
Coquina Beach, Florida on the Gulf of Mexico, Manatee County, Florida
Hotel Maria Isabel, Mexico
Bermuda's Passion Flower, Bermuda 7494
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