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Sunset Lake, Wichita Mountains - Lawton, Oklahoma
Triumphal Entry - Lawton, Oklahoma
Lawton's Hill - Pottsville, Pennsylvania
Comanche County Court House - Lawton, Oklahoma
Main Street in Lawton, Michigan
Holy City Chapel - Lawton, Oklahoma
Holy City Easter Pageant Ground - Lawton, Oklahoma
Quanah Parker Dam - Lawton, Oklahoma
Lake Rush, Wichita Mountains - Lawton, Oklahoma
Sunset Lake, Wichita Mountains - Lawton, Oklahoma
Comanche Co Court House - Lawton, Oklahoma
Quanah Parker Dam - Lawton, Oklahoma
Triumphal Entry - Lawton, Oklahoma
Chapel, Sunrise Easter Service - Lawton, Oklahoma
Western Trail Courts - Lawton, Oklahoma
Fort Sill - Lawton, Oklahoma
Holy City Chapel - Lawton, Oklahoma
Holy City Easter Pageant Ground - Lawton, Oklahoma
Lake Lawtonka - Oklahoma
Buffalo, Wichita Game Reserve - Lawton, Oklahoma
Crucifixion, Wichita Mountains - Lawton, Oklahoma
Sunset Lake, Wichita Mountains - Lawton, Oklahoma
Quanah Parker Dam - Lawton, Oklahoma
Canyon at Medicine Park - Lawton, Oklahoma
Comanche Co Court House - Lawton, Oklahoma
Ramada Inn - Lawton, Oklahoma
Comanche Co. Court House - Lawton, Oklahoma
Hostess House - Fort Lawton, Washington
Holy City Easter Pageant Ground - Lawton, Oklahoma
Crucifixion Scene, Wichita Mtns - Lawton, Oklahoma
Lake Rush, Wichita Mountains - Lawton, Oklahoma
Masonic Temple - Lawton, Oklahoma
Interior of Holy City Chapel - Lawton, Oklahoma
Mount Scott The Highest Point In Oklahoma - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Holiday Inn The Nation'S Innkeeper - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Business District View - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Gondola Falls Mount Scott - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Wichita Mountain Sunrise Easter Service Crucifixion Scene - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Wichita Mountains Easter Sunrise Service The Chapel - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Comanche County Court House - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Sunset Lake Wichita Mountains - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Fort Sill New Army Post - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Court House - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Comanche County Court House - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Comanche County Court House - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Wichita Mountains Easter Service The Crucifixion Scene - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Thw Museum Of The Great Plains Elmer Thomas Park - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
Lawtonka Lake Medicine Park - Lawton, Oklahoma OK
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