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Little Rock
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Hotel Ben McGhee - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Cabin, Cotton Field - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Main St. - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Hank's Dog House - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Drafted Men, Camp Pike - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Dunbar High School - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
State Capitol - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Pulaski County Court House - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Headquarters, Little Rock Air Force Base - Jacksonville, Arkansas AR
Senior High School, Little Rock - Arkansas AR
Rock Crusher & Big Rock - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
State Capitol - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Cotton Patch Motel - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Dunbar High School - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
State Capitol - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
State Capitol - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Hank's Dog House - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Missouri Pacific RR Station - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Fir Park Swimming Pool - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Old State House - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Senior High School, Little Rock - Arkansas AR
Joseph T Robinson Memorial Aud. - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Arkansas Territorial Restoration - Little Rock
Holiday Inn - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Acme Court - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Albert Pike Consistory - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
State Capitol - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Pulaski County Courthouse - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Little Rock, Ark,
5th & Scott Street Episcopal Church - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Hotel McGhee - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Hair Pin Curve, Fort Roots - North Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Paul Dunbar High School - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Gen Douglas MacArthur - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
U of Arkansas Medical School - Little Rock
Little Rock Country Club - Arkansas AR
Ritz Motel - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
State Capitol - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
State Capitol - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Arkansas Territorial Restoration - Little Rock
Arkansaw Traveler Hotel - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
New US Post Office - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
State Capitol - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Arkansas Territorial Restoration - Little Rock
Albert Pike Memorial Temple - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Howard Johnson Motor Lodge - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
Capitol Ave, US Post Office - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
MacArthur Park - Little Rock, Arkansas AR
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