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Albuquerque, NM
Greetings from, NM
Tucumcari, NM
Conchas Lake and Dam, New Mexico, NM in Conchas Lake and Dam, New Mexico
Santa Fe Hospital Fort Madison, Iowa
Roswell Hotel - Del Rio, Texas
Raton, New Mexico, NM in Raton, New Mexico
Lordsburg, NM
Gallup, NM
Pan American Center, NM State U in Las Cruces, New Mexico
Largest Artesian Well, Oasis Ranch in Roswell, New Hampshire
Deming, NM
Oldest Church in US, San Miguel Mission in Santa Fe, New Mexico
The Roswell Hotel - Del Rio, Texas
Gallup, NM
Roswell Hotel - Del Rio, Texas
White Sands National Monument, NM
Roswell P Flower Memorial Library - Watertown, New York
Deming, NM
Lordsburg, NM
Raton, NM
Santa Fe Hospital - Temple, Texas
United States Post Office in Gallup, New Mexico
Mayhill, NM
Conchas Lake and Dam, New Mexico, NM in Conchas Lake and Dam, New Mexico
Red River Valley, NM
Albuquerque, NM
Santa Fe, New Mexico, NM in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico, NM in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Pueblo de Taos, NM
San Miguel Mission Oldest Church in US in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Oldest House in the US in Santa Fe, New Mexico
US Post Office & Federal Building in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Carlsbad, NM
Roswell P. Flower Memorial Library - Watertown, New York
Santa Fe Hospital Fort Madison, Iowa
Roswell P Flower Monument Watertown, New York
Roswell P Flower Monument Watertown, New York
Misc, NM
Taos, NM
Scenic Highway US 66 in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Red River, NM
Gallup, NM
Taos Indian Pueblo, NM
Taos Pueblo, NM
Oldest House in the US in San Miguel Mission, New Mexico
Red River Valley, NM
Tucumcari, New Mexico, NM in Tucumcari, New Mexico
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