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French Street - Erie, Pennsylvania
Legation De France - Austin, Texas
Where Duck Brook meets Frenchmen's Bay in Bar Harbor, Maine
French Castle, built in 1726 - Fort Niagara, New York
French Broad River in Hot Springs, North Carolina
Old French Lines in Fort Ticonderoga, New York
Frenchman's Bay Motel in Bar Harbor, Maine
Bald Procupine & Frenchman's Bay in Bar Harbor, Maine
Old French Gate and Drawbridge - Old Fort Niagara, New York
Lake and French Broad River in Biltmore, North Carolina
Caf‚Äö?†??¬¨¬© De France, New York City, New York
French Protestant Heguenot Church - Charleston, South Carolina
Natchez Trace Parkway in French Camp, Mississippi
French Room Fort Ticonderoga, New York
Caf‚Äö?†??¬¨¬© De France, New York City, New York
French Creek Main Street Bridge - Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania
Rosalie, Old Fort Rosalie of French & Indian in Natchez, Mississippi
Natchez Trace Parkway in French Camp, Mississippi
Fr. Mercer, Red Bank Battlefield in National Park, New Jersey
French Lines - Fort Ticonderoga, New York
TVA Douglas Dam - French Broad River, Tennessee
The French Lines - Fort Ticonderoga, New York
French Monument, US Military Academy - West Point, New York
Frenchman's Bay Cruise Boat in Bar Harbor, Maine
Hugenot French Protestant Church Charleston, South Carolina
French Military Kitchen in Old Fort Niagara, New York
Rosalie, Old Fort Rosalie of French & Indian in Natchez, Mississippi
Hannibal French House, Sag Harbor, L.I., New York
French Broad Lookout in Hot Springs, North Carolina
French Asylum - Towanda, Pennsylvania
Frances-Orpheum Theatre Sioux City, Iowa
Autumn in French Grove State Center, Iowa
French Catholic Church - St Johnsbury, Vermont
Old French Homestead in Kezar Falls, Maine
Jesuit Chapel, French Castle - Old Fort Niagara, New York
St Frances Xaviers Church in Nashua, New Hampshire
French Huguenot Church - Charleston, South Carolina
Huguenot Church French Protestant Charleston, South Carolina
Old French Castle - Old Fort Niagara, New York
Lobby, French Lick Springs Hotel Lick Springs, Iowa
Frenchy Nationality Room, Cathedral of Learning - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
French Castle - Old Fort Niagara, New York
French Broad River - Morristown, Tennessee
Frenchman's Bay Cruise Boat in Mt. Desert Island, Maine
Hugenot French Protestant Church Charleston, South Carolina
Hugenot French Protestant Church Charleston, South Carolina
French Drawing Room, Wilson Castle - Rutland, Vermont
Monument to the French Troops - Ticonderoga, New York
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