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Martha Matilda Harper Laboratories - Rochester, New York
Subway Entrance, Times Square - Rochester, New York
Sun Dial, Maplewood Park - Rochester, New York
Willow Pond - Rochester, New York
Syracuse & Eastern #111 - Rochester, New York
Maplewood Park - Rochester, New York
St Ann's Home - Rochester, New York
Rochester Terminal - Port Rochester, New York
Rochester, New York, NY
Elmood Ave Bridge - Rochester, New York
Eastern Trolley Line, - Rochester, New York
Barge Canal Terminal - Rochester, New York
Downtown Rochester, New York NY
Sacred Heart Cathedral - Rochester, New York
St. Mary's Hospital - Rochester, New York
Mr and Mrs Victor Anderson of Rochester - Chippewa Bay, New York
Refectory, Durand Eastman Park - Rochester, New York
A Disciple Of Izak Walton Rochester, New York NY
Mt Hope Cemetery - Rochester, New York
Seneca Park Zoo - Rochester, New York
Portsmouth Terrace - Rochester, New York
Fall Of The Genesee River Rochester, New York NY
Crescent Beach Hotel Rochester, New York NY
Odenbach Hofbrau - Rochester, New York
Rochester, NY, New York
Turnstile Bridge, Ellison Park Rochester, New York NY
Hotel Seneca Lobby - Rochester, New York NY
Post Office Rochester, New York NY
Penelopes Restaurant Rochester, New York NY
Hoiliday Inn Rochester, New York NY
Lilac Time Rochester, New York NY
Seneca Park Rochester, New York NY
Court House Rochester, New York NY
Asbury First Methodist Church Rochester, New York NY
Enchanted Forest - Rochester, New York
Lilacs In Bloom Rochester, New York NY
Portsmouth Terrace Rochester, New York NY
Masonic Temple - Rochester, New York
Highlands Park Rochester, New York NY
George Eastman House Rochester, New York NY
George Eastman House Rochester, New York NY
Masonic Temple Rochester, New York NY
Central Station Rochester, New York NY
Lilac Time Rochester, New York NY
Masonic Temple Rochester, New York NY
Genesee Valley Park Rochester, New York NY
Highland Reservoir Rochester, New York NY
Sacred Heart Pro Cathedral Rochester, New York NY
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