Mark Rosenberg


Mark Rosenberg
Last Active
Member, Administrator, Moderator, Staff


  • Dear Mark,

    I am a buyer with a large number of purchases recently. I am behind on feedback. Is there a way to post feedback for a large number of transactions at one time, if all have been satisfactory?

    August 2019
  • Mark
    Is Hippostcard going to be charged as a store Like Hipstamp. If so I will not list in it any more. And as far as that goes, The only thing I will be listing in is Hip stamps and because of the feedback system, I can't even see me listing in Hipstamp much longer. I do not want to list in a different store every time I pick up a different kind of item. Like Jewelry, Coins. Misscellaneous, Tokens. Stamps, Pictures such as Tin plates.-- For me I am old and want to sell out, [{Every thing]} I never did type well and the older I get the worse it gets. My Typing. Tell me what I might expect in in the near presence and the future.When I go to the store I want to buy as many items as I want under 1 Roof.( For Instance Walmart).( Bidstart) (Ebay God Forbid) Hope to here soon From You or Justin. Gramps
    September 2016
  • Mark Rosenberg changed their profile picture.
    November 2015